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Bit synchronizer for GNSS receivers

Since R2022b


    [syncidx,numtr] = gnssBitSynchronize(samples,n) performs bit synchronization on the input samples samples with a window size of n, as defined in [2]. The function searches the input samples for the maximum number of transitions from a positive to a negative value and from a negative to a positive value, and returns the bit synchronization index syncidx and the number of transitions corresponding to each sample location numtr.

    Use this function for global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers that use code division multiple access (CDMA) schemes. These GNSS receivers include GPS, NavIC, and QZSS.



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    Perform bit synchronization for a noisy signal generated from random bits using C/A-code. Assume perfect time and frequency synchronization.

    Generate the transmit signal from random bits using C/A-code.

    n = 20;                                                      % Number of C/A-code blocks per bit
    numbits = 500;                                               % Number of data bits
    numcachips = 1023;                                           % Number of C/A-code chips
    txbits = randi([0,1],numbits,1);
    cacode = 1 - 2*double(repmat(gnssCACode(1,"GPS"),n*numbits,1));
    txsig = cacode.*repelem(1 - 2*txbits,numcachips*n,1);

    Add additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) to the generated signal.

    snrdB = -25;                          % Signal to noise ratio in dB
    rxsig = awgn(txsig,snrdB,"measured");

    Multiply the noisy signal with time synchronized reference C/A-code and integrate the samples.

    corrsamples = rxsig.*cacode;
    integsamples = sum(reshape(corrsamples,numcachips,[]));

    Delay the samples by a fixed offset.

    dly = 15;                                   % Number of samples delayed
    bitsyncin = [zeros(dly,1);integsamples(:)];

    Perform bit synchronization on the input samples.

    [syncidx,numtr] = gnssBitSynchronize(bitsyncin,n);

    Display the value of bit synchronization index, syncidx. Note that it is equal to the number to samples delayed + 1.

    syncidx = 

    Plot the transition chart at each sample location.

    xlabel("Sample Location")
    ylabel("Number of Transitions")
    title("Transition Chart")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Transition Chart, xlabel Sample Location, ylabel Number of Transitions contains an object of type bar.

    Input Arguments

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    Input samples, specified as a real-valued column vector of length greater than or equal to n.

    For a better estimate of the bit synchronization index, specify a large number of input samples (such as hundreds of times n).

    Data Types: double

    Window size used for searching the input samples, specified as a positive integer. This value represents the number of spreading code blocks per bit, or the number of samples per bit.

    Data Types: double | uint8

    Output Arguments

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    Bit synchronization index, returned as an integer in the range [1, n]. This index value represents the maximum number of transitions within the window size n.

    The data type of the index is same as that of n.

    Number of transitions corresponding to each sample location, returned as a column vector of length n.

    Data Types: double


    [1] GPS Enterprise Space & Missile Systems Center (SMC) - LAAFB. NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Segment Interfaces. IS-GPS-200L. El Segundo, CA: SAIC (GPS SE&I), May 14, 2020.

    [2] Kaplan, Elliott D., and C. Hegarty, eds. Understanding GPS/GNSS: Principles and Applications. Third edition. GNSS Technology and Applications Series. Boston ; London: Artech House, 2017.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

    See Also



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