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Command robot to move along the desired Cartesian waypoints

Since R2024a


followCartesianWaypoints(ur, taskWaypoints) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through RTDE interface based on the specified Cartesian waypoints configuration.


followCartesianWaypoints(ur, taskWaypoints, Name=Value) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through RTDE interface using name-value arguments in addition to the input arguments in the previous syntax. You can use the name-value arguments to set the time for each waypoint segment to reach the position, and the acceleration, velocity, and blend radius.



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Connect to a physical or simulated cobot, using urRTDEClient object.

ur = urRTDEClient('');

Command the cobot to by providing the desired Cartesian waypoints. The followCartesianWaypoints function internally uses minjerkpolytraj to interpolate the path between two waypoints.

taskWaypoints = [-pi/2    0  -pi/2 0.5     0  0.5;
                 -pi/4    0  -pi/2 0.5   0.3  0.6;
                 -pi/2    0  -pi/2 0.5     0  0.8;
                 -3*pi/4  0  -pi/2 0.5  -0.3  0.6;
                 -pi/2    0  -pi/2 0.5     0  0.5];
waypointtimes = [0 2 4 6 8];

Input Arguments

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Connection to physical or simulated cobot from Universal Robots, specified as a urRTDEClient object.

Desired Cartesian pose in the form of waypoints of the simulated cobot, represented as a N-by-6 numeric vector, in the form of [thetaz thetay thetax x y z]. The units are radians and seconds respectively for the three axes, for N waypoints.

Data Types: numeric

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,Acceleration=acceleration)

Absolute time (time from start) for each waypoint segment to complete the motion, represented as a 1-by-N numeric vector, specified as a double vector.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,waypointTimes=waypointtimes)

Data Types: double

Acceleration (in rad/s2) to control trapezoidal speed profile of trajectory, specified as a numeric scalar.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,Acceleration=acceleration)

Data Types: double

Velocity (in rad/s) to control trapezoidal speed profile of trajectory, specified as a numeric scalar.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,Velocity=velocity)

Data Types: double

Blend radius for waypoints to pass through, when the cobot does not need to stop, specified as a numeric scalar.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,BlendRadius=blendRadius)

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also