given the totalECL
] = portfolioECL(MarginalPD
, and
values for a portfolio of loans, computes the lifetime
expected credit loss (ECL) at the individual or portfolio level.
adds optional name-value pair arguments for
] = portfolioECL(___,Name=Value
, InterestRate
, IDVar
, and
Calculate ECL Based on Marginal PD, LGD, and EAD Predictions
This example shows how to calculate the expected credit loss (ECL) based on marginal probability of default (PD), loss given default (LGD), and exposure at default (EAD).
Marginal PD — Expectation of a credit default event over a given time frame.
LGD — Portion of a nonrecovered credit in the case of default.
EAD — Balance at the time of default.
IFRS 9 requires multiple economic scenarios to be modeled while computing ECL. This example considers five macroeconomic scenarios: severe, adverse, baseline, favorable, and excellent.
Load Data
Load the credit data for company IDs 1304
and 2067
and the associated macroeconomic scenarios.
load DataPredictLifetime.mat
ID ScoreGroup YOB Year ____ _____________ ___ ____ 1304 "Medium Risk" 4 2020 1304 "Medium Risk" 5 2021 1304 "Medium Risk" 6 2022 1304 "Medium Risk" 7 2023 1304 "Medium Risk" 8 2024 1304 "Medium Risk" 9 2025 1304 "Medium Risk" 10 2026 2067 "Low Risk" 7 2020 2067 "Low Risk" 8 2021 2067 "Low Risk" 9 2022 2067 "Low Risk" 10 2023
ScenarioID Year GDP Market __________ ____ ____ ______ "Severe" 2020 -0.9 -5.5 "Severe" 2021 -0.5 -6.5 "Severe" 2022 0.2 -1 "Severe" 2023 0.8 1.5 "Severe" 2024 1.4 4 "Severe" 2025 1.8 6.5 "Severe" 2026 1.8 6.5 "Severe" 2027 1.8 6.5 "Adverse" 2020 0.1 -0.5 "Adverse" 2021 0.2 -2.5
Probability ___________ Severe 0.1 Adverse 0.2 Baseline 0.3 Favorable 0.2 Excellent 0.2
Load the pdModel
that was created using fitLifetimePDModel
with a Probit
load LifetimeChampionModel.mat
Probit with properties: ModelID: "Champion" Description: "A sample model used as champion model for illustration purposes." UnderlyingModel: [1x1 classreg.regr.CompactGeneralizedLinearModel] IDVar: "ID" AgeVar: "YOB" LoanVars: "ScoreGroup" MacroVars: ["GDP" "Market"] ResponseVar: "Default" WeightsVar: "" TimeInterval: []
Define the interest rate to discount future losses back to present.
EffRate = 0.045;
Create Scenarios
Compute marginal lifetime PDs for the two companies.
CompanyID = 1304; IndCompany = LoanData.ID == CompanyID; Years = LoanData.Year(IndCompany); NumYears = length(Years); ScenarioID = unique(MultipleScenarios.ScenarioID,'stable'); NumScenarios = length(ScenarioID); PD1 = zeros(NumYears,NumScenarios); for ii=1:NumScenarios IndScenario = MultipleScenarios.ScenarioID==ScenarioID(ii); data = join(LoanData(IndCompany,:),MultipleScenarios(IndScenario,:)); PD1(:,ii) = predictLifetime(pdModel,data,ProbabilityType="marginal"); end DiscTimes = Years-Years(1)+1; DiscFactors = 1./(1+EffRate).^DiscTimes; ProbScenario = ScenarioProbabilities.Probability; CompanyID = 2067; IndCompany = LoanData.ID == CompanyID; Years = LoanData.Year(IndCompany); NumYears = length(Years); PD4 = zeros(NumYears,NumScenarios); for ii=1:NumScenarios IndScenario = MultipleScenarios.ScenarioID==ScenarioID(ii); data = join(LoanData(IndCompany,:),MultipleScenarios(IndScenario,:)); PD4(:,ii) = predictLifetime(pdModel,data,ProbabilityType="marginal"); end
Calculate Marginal PD for Multiple IDs
Create a table for the portfolio PD
that contains the PD for the two companies.
PD = array2table([PD1; PD4]); PD.Properties.VariableNames = {'Severe','Adverse','Baseline','Favorable','Excellent'}; PD.ID = [repmat(1304,7,1);repmat(2067,4,1)]; PD = movevars(PD, 'ID', 'Before', 'Severe'); disp(PD)
ID Severe Adverse Baseline Favorable Excellent ____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 1304 0.011316 0.0096361 0.0081783 0.006918 0.0058324 1304 0.0078277 0.0069482 0.0061554 0.0054425 0.0048028 1304 0.0048869 0.0044693 0.0040823 0.0037243 0.0033938 1304 0.0031017 0.0029321 0.0027698 0.0026147 0.0024668 1304 0.0019309 0.0018923 0.0018538 0.0018153 0.001777 1304 0.0012157 0.0012197 0.0012233 0.0012264 0.0012293 1304 0.00082053 0.00082322 0.00082562 0.00082775 0.00082964 2067 0.0022199 0.001832 0.0015067 0.001235 0.0010088 2067 0.0014464 0.0012534 0.0010841 0.00093599 0.00080662 2067 0.0008343 0.00074897 0.00067168 0.00060175 0.00053857 2067 0.00049107 0.00045839 0.00042769 0.00039887 0.00037183
Calculate LGD for Multiple IDs
Create a table for the portfolio LGD
that contains the LGD for the two companies.
LGD = array2table([0.25, 0.23, 0.21, 0.19, 0.17; 0.24, 0.22, 0.2, 0.18, 0.16]); LGD.Properties.VariableNames = {'S1','S2','S3','S4','S5'}; LGD.ID = [1304;2067]; LGD = movevars(LGD, 'ID', 'Before', 'S1'); disp(LGD)
ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 1304 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 2067 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16
Calculate EAD for Multiple IDs
Create a table for the portfolio EAD
that contains the EAD for the two companies 1304
and 2067
EAD = array2table(horzcat([repmat(1304,7,1);repmat(2067,4,1)],vertcat((100000:-10000:40000)',(120000:-10000:90000)'))); EAD.Properties.VariableNames = {'ID','EAD'}; disp(EAD)
ID EAD ____ _______ 1304 1e+05 1304 90000 1304 80000 1304 70000 1304 60000 1304 50000 1304 40000 2067 1.2e+05 2067 1.1e+05 2067 1e+05 2067 90000
Use portfolioECL
with PD
, and EAD
Compute the lifetime ECL using portfolioECL
[totalECL, ECLByID, ECLByPeriod] = portfolioECL(PD, LGD, EAD,ScenarioProbabilities=[0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2], ... InterestRate = EffRate, Periodicity="monthly",ScenarioNames={'Severe','Adverse','Baseline','Favorable','Excellent'});
Display the total portfolio ECL.
Display the scenario weighted ECLs for each individual loan.
ID ECL ____ ______ 1304 430.68 2067 79.905
Display the ECL for each individual loan per time period and per scenario.
ID TimePeriod Severe Adverse Baseline Favorable Excellent ____ __________ ______ _______ ________ _________ _________ 1304 1 281.84 220.8 171.1 130.95 98.781 1304 2 174.81 142.76 115.47 92.372 72.935 1304 3 96.647 81.317 67.817 55.978 45.64 1304 4 53.474 46.505 40.111 34.259 28.918 1304 5 28.426 25.63 22.924 20.311 17.79 1304 6 14.859 13.715 12.559 11.393 10.217 1304 7 7.9931 7.3777 6.7558 6.1282 5.4957 2067 1 63.693 48.183 36.026 26.576 19.296 2067 2 37.901 30.106 23.673 18.394 14.091 2067 3 19.8 16.293 13.284 10.711 8.5209 2067 4 10.449 8.9412 7.5839 6.3656 5.2748
Input Arguments
— Marginal PD values
Marginal PD values, specified as a table with a column for IDs that is
defined by IDVar
The MarginalPD
table column name for IDs and
the order of IDs must be the same as the ID columns of the
and EAD
You can use fitLifetimePDModel
to create a PD model and predict
create a vector that can be converted to a table using array2table
Data Types: table
— LGD values
LGD value, specified as a table with a column for IDs that is defined by
table column name for lDs and the order
of IDs must be the same as the ID columns of the
and EAD
You can use fitLGDModel
create a LGD model and predict
to create a
vector that can be converted to a table using array2table
Data Types: table
— EAD values
EAD value, specified as a table with a column for IDs that is defined by
table column name for IDs and the order
of IDs must be the same as the ID columns of the
and LGD
You can use fitEADModel
create a EAD model and predict
to create a
vector that can be converted to a table using array2table
Data Types: table
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: [totalECL,ECLByID,ECLByPeriod] =
— Probabilities assigning weights to corresponding scenarios
equal weighted (default) | numeric vector
Probabilities assigning weights to corresponding scenarios, specified
as ScenarioProbabilities
and a numeric vector. The
values must be greater than
or equal to 0 and sum to 1.
Data Types: double
— Interest rate to discount future losses back to present
(default) | scalar positive or negative decimal | table
Interest rate to discount future losses back to present, specified as
and a scalar positive or negative
decimal or a table.
If you specify a scalar, the interest-rate value applies to the entire portfolio.
If you specify a table, there must be exactly two columns in the interest-rate table, one for IDs and the other for the interest-rate value for each loan. Each row must have an ID that cannot be repeated on another row in the table. The IDs must match and be in the same order as the IDs used by
, andEAD
Data Types: double
| table
— Time period of input data
(default) | character vector with value of 'quarterly'
, 'monthly'
, 'semiannual'
, or
| string with value of "quarterly"
, "semiannual"
, or
Time period of input data, specified as Periodicity
and a character vector or string.
Data Types: char
| string
— Column name for ID in MarginalPD
1st column in MarginalPD
tables (default) | character vector | string
Column name for ID in MarginalPD
, and EAD
tables, specified
as IDVar
and a character vector or string.
Data Types: char
| string
— User-defined scenario names
(where n
) (default) | cell array of character vectors | string array
User-defined scenario names with one name per scenario, specified as
and a cell array of character
vectors or string array. The ScenarioNames
must all
be unique and nonempty.
Data Types: cell
| string
Output Arguments
— Total portfolio ECL
Total portfolio ECL, returned as a scalar. The total portfolio ECL is computed as a sum of the ECLs of each loan weighted by the scenario probabilities and discounted to the present.
— Scenario weighted ECLs for each individual loan
Scenario weighted ECLs for each individual loan, returned as a table.
— ECL for each individual loan per time period and per scenario
ECL for each individual loan per time period and per scenario, returned as a table.
More About
Expected Credit Losses
The expected credit losses (ECLs) model adopts a forward-looking approach to estimation of impairment losses.
The discounted ECL at time t for scenario s is defined as
t denotes a time period.
s denotes a scenario.
i denotes a loan.
PDmarginal,i(t;s) is the marginal probability of default (PD) (see
) for loan i at time period t, given scenario s.LGDi(t;s) is the loss given default (LGD) for loan i at time period t, given scenario s.
EADi(t;s) is the exposure at default (EAD) for loan i at time period t, given scenario s.
Disci(t) is the discount factor for loan i at time period t, based on the loan's effective interest rate.
The ECLi(t;s) quantities are computed for each time period in the remaining life of a loan and for each scenario. These quantities are reported in the
output ofportfolioECL
for all loans in the portfolio.The lifetime ECL for loan i is computed as
Ni is the number of periods in the remaining life of loan i.
M is the number of scenarios.
P(s) denotes the scenario probabilities.
The ECLi quantity is reported in the
output ofportfolioECL
for all loans in the portfolio.The total portfolio lifetime ECL is
is the number of loans in the portfolio.The total ECL value for the portfolio is reported in the
output of theportfolioECL
To compute an ECL spanning only 1-year ahead (as opposed to a lifetime ECL), the
inputs to portfolioECL
must only include time periods within the
1-year period of interest. For more information, see Incorporate Macroeconomic Scenario Projections in Loan Portfolio ECL Calculations.
Version History
Introduced in R2022a
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