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Use S-parameters with Port Reduction

This example shows how to use RF Toolbox™ to import N-port S-parameters representing high-speed backplane channels, and converts 16-port S-parameters to 4-port S-parameters to model the channels and the crosstalk between the channels.

Figure 1: 16-Port differential backplane

Read Single-Ended 16-Port S-Parameters

Read a Touchstone® data file into an sparameters object. The data in this file are the 50-ohm S-parameters of a 16-port differential backplane designed for a 2-Gbps high-speed signal, shown in Figure 1, measured at 1496 frequencies ranging from 50 MHz to 15 GHz.

filename = 'default.s16p';
backplane = sparameters(filename)
backplane = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 16
     Parameters: [16x16x1496 double]
    Frequencies: [1496x1 double]

freq = backplane.Frequencies;

Convert 16-Port S-Parameters to 4-Port S-Parameters to Model Differential Channel

Use the snp2smp function to convert 16-port S-parameters to 4-port S-parameters that represent the first differential channel. The port index of this differential channel, N2M, specifies how the ports of the 16-port S-parameters map to the ports of the 4-port S-parameters, is [1 16 2 15]. (The port indices of the second, third and fourth channels are [3 14 4 13], [5 12 6 11] and [7 10 8 9], respectively). The other 12 ports, [3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14], are terminated with the characteristic Impedance specified by the sparameters object. Then, create an sparameters object with 4-port S-parameters for the first differential channel.

                 (Port 1)         (Port 16)
        Port 1  > ----->|         |<----- <   Port 2
                        |   DUT   |
        Port 3  > ----->|         |<----- <   Port 4
                 (Port 2)         (Port 15)
n2m = [1 16 2 15];
z0 = backplane.Impedance;
first4portdata = snp2smp(backplane.Parameters,z0,n2m,z0);
first4portsparams = sparameters(first4portdata,freq,z0)
first4portsparams = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 4
     Parameters: [4x4x1496 double]
    Frequencies: [1496x1 double]

Plot S21 and S43 of the first differential channel.

hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent dB(S_{21}), dB(S_{43}).

% % If you want to write the 4-port S-parameters of the differential
% % channel into a |.s4p| file, then uncomment the line below.
% rfwrite(first4portsparams,'firstchannel.s4p')

Convert 16-Port S-Parameters to 4-Port S-Parameters to Model Crosstalk Between Two Differential Channels

Use the snp2smp function to convert 16-port S-parameters to 4-port S-parameters that represent the crosstalk between port [3 4] and port [16 15]. As shown in Figure 1, these ports are on different channels. The other 12 ports, [1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14], are terminated with the characteristic Impedance specified by the sparameters object. Then, create an sparameters object with 4-port S-parameters for the crosstalk.

                 (Port 3)         (Port 16)
        Port 1  > ----->|         |<----- <   Port 2
                        |   DUT   |
        Port 3  > ----->|         |<----- <   Port 4
                 (Port 4)         (Port 15)
n2m = [3 16 4 15];
crosstalk4portdata = snp2smp(backplane.Parameters,z0,n2m,z0);
crosstalk4portsparams = sparameters(crosstalk4portdata,freq,z0)
crosstalk4portsparams = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 4
     Parameters: [4x4x1496 double]
    Frequencies: [1496x1 double]

Plot S21, S43, S12 and S34 to show the crosstalk between these two channels.

hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 4 objects of type line. These objects represent dB(S_{21}), dB(S_{43}), dB(S_{12}), dB(S_{34}).

% % If you want to write the 4-port S-parameters of the crosstalk into an
% % .s4p file, then uncomment the line below.
% rfwrite(crosstalk4portsparams,'crosstalk.s4p')

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