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Create a predefined reinforcement learning environment


env = rlPredefinedEnv(keyword) takes a predefined keyword keyword representing the environment name to create a MATLAB® or Simulink® reinforcement learning environment env. The environment env models the dynamics with which the agent interacts, generating rewards and observations in response to agent actions.



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Use the predefined "BasicGridWorld" keyword to create a basic grid world reinforcement learning environment.

env = rlPredefinedEnv("BasicGridWorld")
env = 
  rlMDPEnv with properties:

       Model: [1x1 rl.env.GridWorld]
    ResetFcn: []

Use the predefined "DoubleIntegrator-Continuous" keyword to create a continuous double integrator reinforcement learning environment.

env = rlPredefinedEnv("DoubleIntegrator-Continuous")
env = 
  DoubleIntegratorContinuousAction with properties:

             Gain: 1
               Ts: 0.1000
      MaxDistance: 5
    GoalThreshold: 0.0100
                Q: [2x2 double]
                R: 0.0100
         MaxForce: Inf
            State: [2x1 double]

You can visualize the environment using the plot function and interact with it using the reset and step functions.

observation = reset(env)
observation = 2×1


[observation,reward,isDone] = step(env,16)

Figure Double Integrator Visualizer contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type rectangle.

observation = 2×1


reward = 
isDone = logical

Use the predefined "SimplePendulumModel-Continuous" keyword to create a continuous simple pendulum model reinforcement learning environment.

env = rlPredefinedEnv("SimplePendulumModel-Continuous")
env = 
SimulinkEnvWithAgent with properties:

           Model : rlSimplePendulumModel
      AgentBlock : rlSimplePendulumModel/RL Agent
        ResetFcn : []
  UseFastRestart : on

Input Arguments

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Predefined keyword representing the environment name, specified as one of the following:

MATLAB Environment

  • "BasicGridWorld"

  • "CartPole-Discrete"

  • "CartPole-Continuous"

  • "DoubleIntegrator-Discrete"

  • "DoubleIntegrator-Continuous"

  • "SimplePendulumWithImage-Discrete"

  • "SimplePendulumWithImage-Continuous"

  • "WaterFallGridWorld-Stochastic"

  • "WaterFallGridWorld-Deterministic"

Simulink Environment

  • "SimplePendulumModel-Discrete"

  • "SimplePendulumModel-Continuous"

  • "CartPoleSimscapeModel-Discrete"

  • "CartPoleSimscapeModel-Continuous"

Output Arguments

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MATLAB or Simulink environment object, returned as one of the following:

  • rlMDPEnv object, when you use one of the following keywords.

    • "BasicGridWorld"

    • "WaterFallGridWorld-Stochastic"

    • "WaterFallGridWorld-Deterministic"

  • CartPoleDiscreteAction object, when you use the "CartPole-Discrete" keyword.

  • CartPoleContinuousAction object, when you use the "CartPole-Continuous" keyword.

  • DoubleIntegratorDiscreteAction object, when you use the "DoubleIntegrator-Discrete" keyword.

  • DoubleIntegratorContinuousAction object, when you use the "DoubleIntegrator-Continuous" keyword.

  • SimplePendlumWithImageDiscreteAction object, when you use the "SimplePendulumWithImage-Discrete" keyword.

  • SimplePendlumWithImageContinuousAction object, when you use the "SimplePendulumWithImage-Continuous" keyword.

  • SimulinkEnvWithAgent object, when you use one of the following keywords.

    • "SimplePendulumModel-Discrete"

    • "SimplePendulumModel-Continuous"

    • "CartPoleSimscapeModel-Discrete"

    • "CartPoleSimscapeModel-Continuous"

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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