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Receive IQ signal from radars in the scenario

Since R2021a


sig = receive(scenario) returns the target echos, sig, received at radars in the scenario.

[sig,info] = receive(scenario) also returns a structure array of configurations at each radar, info, of each radar when the signal is received.


[sig,info,pids] = receive(scenario) also returns a column array of platform IDs pids.


collapse all

Obtain the signal from two platforms in a radar scenario using a radar transceiver. Set the random number seed to ensure the repeatability of the data.

s = rng(0);
scenario = radarScenario('UpdateRate',1);
plat1 = platform(scenario);
plat1.Trajectory.Position = [0,0,0];
plat1.Sensors = radarTransceiver;
plat2 = platform(scenario);
plat2.Trajectory.Position = [1000,0,0];
[sig,sensorConfs] = receive(scenario)
sig = 1x1 cell array
    {100x2 double}

sensorConfs = struct with fields:
              IsScanDone: 0
         MechanicalAngle: 0
         ElectronicAngle: [2x1 double]
          OriginPosition: [3x1 double]
             Orientation: [3x3 double]
    ReferenceSensorIndex: 0
                  Sensor: [1x1 radarTransceiver]

Platform 1 receives echo from platform 2.

rgrid = physconst('lightspeed')*(0:size(sig{1},1)-1)/ ...
xlabel('Range (km)')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Range (km), ylabel Magnitude contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Radar scenario, specified as a radarScenario object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Signal received at the radar receiver, returned as a cell array. Each element of the cell array is the received echoes at each radar.

Complex Number Support: Yes

Radar configurations, returned as a structure array. Each structure contains the following fields:

  • IsScanDone –– Whether one period of mechanical scan is done

  • MechanicalAngle –– Current antenna pointing angle due to mechanical scan

  • Origin –– Radar location in the platform coordinate system

  • Orientation –– Radar orientation axes in the platform coordinate system

Data Types: struct

Platform IDs on which radars are mounted, returned as a column vector of real values.

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2021a