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Configure and Download Baseline with Polyspace as You Code

To fix bugs more efficiently, use a Polyspace® as You Code analysis run as a baseline and compare subsequent analysis runs against that baseline. The comparison allows you to focus on only new results or on unreviewed results. You can compare Polyspace as You Code single-file analysis results against:

  • A local baseline that you create using a single-file analysis that you run in Polyspace as You Code.

  • An integration baseline that you create using previous Polyspace Bug Finder™ Server™ results that you download from Polyspace Access™.

In order to configure integration baseline results in Polyspace as You Code, you must have a Polyspace Access server login name and password along with an uploaded project result. The project must contain results from an analysis of the same files you are analyzing in Polyspace as You Code.

Create and Use Local Baseline

You can save the results of a Polyspace as You Code analysis as a baseline that Polyspace uses in subsequent analyses of the same file to filter for only new findings that you introduce as you code in your Visual Studio Code editor.

To create a local baseline, right-click a file in the EXPLORER view or in the editor and select Create a local baseline. You can also create a local baseline by clicking save button in the QUALITY MONITORING view.

 Local Baseline

Create or Update Local Baseline for Multiple Files

Each local baseline that you create is file-specific. If you work on multiple files, you can create or refresh the local baseline for all the files in the Quality Monitoring list by clicking the save all icon (to create baselines) or the refresh icon in the Baseline view. You can also perform the same action by selecting multiple files in the EXPLORER pane and using the right-click context menu.

 Mass Create or Update Local Baselines

Configure Polyspace Access Baseline

Configure a baseline using your Polyspace Access server information. Click the settings icon in the Baseline pane of the Polyspace sidebar visual studio code settings icon or go to Settings and search for the option polyspace.baseline.

Enter your login, the server URL, and the project path for the project you want to create a baseline for.

 Configure Baseline

Download Polyspace Access Baseline

To compare local findings against results that you download from Polyspace Access, download an integration (Access) baseline. To download a baseline, click cloud icon at the top of the Baseline view in the Polyspace sidebar.

The Baseline shows Baseline not downloaded if no baseline is downloaded.

 Download Baseline

Show New Findings and Compare Results with Access Baseline

Sometimes it is beneficial to only view new results compared to the baseline.

To view only new findings, click the filter button in the Baseline pane or the Quality Monitoring pane of the Polyspace sidebar. The filter lets you toggle between showing only new findings compared to a baseline or showing all local and baseline findings.

 Show New Results

Update Polyspace Access Baseline to Use Latest Integration Review

To keep using the most up-to-date integration baseline information, make sure that you periodically update your baseline by downloading the latest information from Polyspace Access. To update a Polyspace Access baseline, click cloud icon at the top of the Baseline view in the Polyspace sidebar.

 Update Polyspace Access Baseline