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Area of 2-D mesh elements


A = area(mesh) returns the area A of the entire mesh.


[A,AE] = area(mesh) also returns a row vector AE containing areas of each individual element of the mesh.


A = area(mesh,elements) returns the combined area of the specified elements of the mesh.



collapse all

Generate a 2-D mesh and find its area.

Create a PDE model.

model = createpde;

Include the geometry of the built-in function lshapeg. Plot the geometry.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 4 objects of type line, text.

Generate a mesh and plot it.

mesh = generateMesh(model);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Compute the area of the entire mesh.

ma = area(mesh)
ma = 

Generate a 2-D mesh and find the area of each element.

Create a PDE model.

model = createpde;

Include the geometry of the built-in function lshapeg. Plot the geometry.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 4 objects of type line, text.

Generate a mesh and plot it.

mesh = generateMesh(model);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Compute the area of the entire mesh and the area of each individual element of the mesh. Display the areas of the first 5 elements.

[ma,mi] = area(mesh);
ans = 1×5

    0.0054    0.0054    0.0050    0.0055    0.0055

Find the combined area of the elements associated with a particular face of a 2-D mesh.

Create a PDE model.

model = createpde;

Include the geometry of the built-in function lshapeg. Plot the geometry.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 4 objects of type line, text.

Generate a mesh and plot it.

mesh = generateMesh(model);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Find the elements associated with face 1 and compute the total area of these elements.

Ef1 = findElements(mesh,"region","Face",1);
maf1 = area(mesh,Ef1)
maf1 = 

Find how much of the total mesh area belongs to these elements. Return the result as a percentage.

maf1_percent = maf1/area(mesh)*100
maf1_percent = 

Input Arguments

collapse all

Mesh object, specified as the Mesh property of a PDEModel object or as the output of generateMesh.

Example: model.Mesh

Element IDs, specified as a positive integer or a matrix of positive integers.

Example: [10 68 81 97 113 130 136 164]

Output Arguments

collapse all

Area of the entire mesh or the combined area of the specified elements of the mesh, returned as a positive number.

Areas of individual elements, returned as a row vector of positive numbers.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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