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Clear installation value for setting

Since R2022a



clearInstallationValue(s) clears the installation value for the specified setting. If the installation value is not set or not writeable, MATLAB® throws an error.


collapse all

Set an installation value for the maximum column width for comments in MATLAB. (Note that this example assumes that installation settings are writable by the user.) Then clear the installation value using the clearInstallationValue function.

Set the installation value for the maximum column width setting to 80. Verify the value has been set. Because there the personal and temporary values are not set, ActiveValue takes its value from InstallationValue.

s = settings;
s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth.InstallationValue = 80;
ans = 

  Setting 'matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth' with properties:

          ActiveValue: 80
       TemporaryValue: <no value>
        PersonalValue: <no value>
    InstallationValue: 80
         FactoryValue: 75

Clear InstallationValue. Verify that the active value reverts to the factory value.

ans = 

  Setting 'matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth' with properties:

          ActiveValue: 75
       TemporaryValue: <no value>
        PersonalValue: <no value>
    InstallationValue: <no value>
         FactoryValue: 75

Input Arguments

collapse all

Setting, specified as a Setting object. Use the settings function to access the root settings group object and all the available settings in the tree.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a