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Pan interaction


A pan interaction allows you to pan within a chart without having to select any buttons in the axes toolbar. To enable panning, set the Interactions property of the axes to a panInteraction object. When this interaction is enabled, you can pan by dragging within the chart.

When this interaction is enabled on axes with focus, you can pan the view of the axes using the keyboard. To pan vertically, press the up arrow (↑) or down arrow (↓) key. To pan horizontally, press the left arrow (←) or right arrow (→) key. (since R2024a)

To enable multiple interactions, set the Interactions property to an array of objects.



p = panInteraction creates a pan interaction object.


p = panInteraction('Dimensions',d) sets the Dimensions property. Use this property to constrain panning to specific dimensions. For example, p = panInteraction('Dimensions','x') constrains panning to the x-dimension.



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Dimensions to allow panning, specified as one of these values:

  • 'xyz' — Allows panning in all dimensions.

  • 'xy' — Allows panning in the x and y dimensions only.

  • 'yz' — Allows panning in the y and z dimensions only.

  • 'xz' — Allows panning in the x and z dimensions only.

  • 'x' — Allows panning in the x dimension only.

  • 'y' — Allows panning in the y dimension only.

  • 'z' — Allows panning in the z dimension only.

The Dimensions property is only supported for interactions in Cartesian axes.


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Create a surface plot. Get the current axes and replace the default interactions with the pan and data tip interactions. Then hover over the surface to display data tips. Click and drag or tap and drag to pan.

ax = gca;
ax.Interactions = [panInteraction dataTipInteraction];

Plot a set of x and y values, and adjust the x-axis limits to narrow the view of the plot. Then replace the default set of interactions with a pan interaction that is restricted to the x-dimension. Drag within the plot to pan. Notice that you cannot pan vertically.

x = linspace(-500,500,5000);
y = sin(x)./x;
xlim([-50 50])
ax = gca;
ax.Interactions = panInteraction('Dimensions','x');


In most cases, the axes have a default set of interactions which depend on the type of chart you are displaying. You can replace the default set with a new set of interactions, but you cannot access or modify any of the interactions in the default set.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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