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Create character array of blanks



pad is recommended over blanks because it provides greater flexibility and allows vectorization. For additional information, see Alternative Functionality.

chr = blanks(n) returns a 1-by-n array of space characters.



collapse all

Create an array of five blanks. To display it, embed it in a character array that starts and ends with a visible character.

b = blanks(5);
chr = ['|' b '|']
chr = 
'|     |'

Embed the blanks in a string and display the string. You can create strings using double quotes.

str = "Due Date:" + b + "2017-01-13"
str = 
"Due Date:     2017-01-13"

Input Arguments

collapse all

Number of space characters, specified as an integer.

  • If n is 0, then blanks returns a 1-by-0 character array.

  • If n is less than 0, then blanks treats it as 0.

Data Types: double | single | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Alternative Functionality

Update code that makes use of blanks to use pad instead. Unlike blanks, which creates a new character vector of whitespace characters, pad adds whitespace characters to an existing piece of text and returns the same data-type as the input. For example:

Not RecommendedRecommended
str = blanks(5)
str =

    '     '
str = pad("",5)
str = 

    "     "

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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