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Table of Qualifications for Equivalence Tests

Equivalence test qualifications compare the execution of a generated target to the execution of the MATLAB® source code with the same inputs. You can use these types of qualifications in equivalence tests:

  • Verifications — Produce and record failures without returning an exception. When a verification failure occurs, the remaining tests run to completion.

  • Assumptions — Ensure that the test environment meets preconditions that otherwise do not result in a test failure. When an assumption failure occurs, the testing framework marks the test as filtered.

  • Assertions — Ensure that the preconditions of the current test are met. When an assertion failure occurs, the framework marks the current test as failed and incomplete. However, the failure does not prevent the execution of subsequent tests.

  • Fatal assertions — Ensure that the remainder of the current test session is valid and the state is recoverable. When a fatal assertion failure occurs, the testing framework aborts the test session.

For more information about qualifications, see Table of Verifications, Assertions, and Other Qualifications.

Qualifications for Generated C/C++ Code Equivalence Tests

Equivalence tests for generated C/C++ code can inherit from matlabtest.coder.TestCase or from matlab.unittest.TestCase.

If your equivalence test inherits from matlabtest.coder.TestCase, you can use these qualifications:

Type of TestMethod
Verify that execution is equal.verifyExecutionMatchesMATLAB
Assume that execution is equal.assumeExecutionMatchesMATLAB
Assert that execution is equal.assertExecutionMatchesMATLAB
Fatally assert that execution is equal.fatalAssertExecutionMatchesMATLAB

If your equivalence test inherits from matlab.unittest.TestCase, use one of these qualifications:

Type of TestMethod
Verify that execution is equal.verifyThat
Assume that execution is equal.assumeThat
Assert that execution is equal.assertThat
Fatally assert that execution is equal.fatalAssertThat

To use these qualification methods, specify the actual value as an instance of matlabtest.coder.MATLABCoderTester and specify the constraint to use as an instance of matlabtest.constraints.ExecutionMatchesMATLAB.

Qualifications for Deployed Code Artifact Equivalence Tests

Equivalence tests for deployed code artifacts inherit from matlabtest.compiler.TestCase, which has these qualification methods:

Type of TestMethod
Verify that execution is equal.verifyExecutionMatchesMATLAB
Assume that execution is equal.assumeExecutionMatchesMATLAB
Assert that execution is equal.assertExecutionMatchesMATLAB
Fatally assert that execution is equal.fatalAssertExecutionMatchesMATLAB

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