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3-D lighted shaded relief of regular data grid on axesm-based map


meshlsrm(Z,R,[azim elev])
meshlsrm(Z,R,[azim elev],cmap)
meshlsrm(Z,R,[azim elev],cmap,clim)
h = meshlsrm(...)


meshlsrm(Z,R) displays the regular data grid Z colored according to elevation and surface slopes. Specify R as a GeographicCellsReference object or a GeographicPostingsReference object. The RasterSize property of R must be consistent with size(Z).

meshlsrm(Z,R,[azim elev]) displays the regular data grid Z with the light coming from the specified azimuth and elevation. Angles are specified in degrees, with the azimuth measured clockwise from North, and elevation up from the zero plane of the surface.

meshlsrm(Z,R,[azim elev],cmap) displays the regular data grid Z using the specified colormap. The number of grayscales is chosen to keep the size of the shaded colormap below 256. If the vector of azimuth and elevation is empty, the default locations are used. Color axis limits are computed from the data.

meshlsrm(Z,R,[azim elev],cmap,clim) uses the provided color axis limits, which by default are computed from the data.

h = meshlsrm(...) returns the handle to the surface drawn.


Load elevation data and a geographic cells reference object for the Korean peninsula. Create a world map using appropriate latitude and longitude limits for the peninsula. Then, display a lighted shaded relief map. By default, meshlsrm applies a colormap appropriate for elevation data.

load korea5c
meshlsrm(korea5c,korea5cR,[45 65])

Lighted shaded relief map of an area surrounding the Korean peninsula


This function effectively multiplies two colormaps, one with color based on elevation, the other with a grayscale based on the slope of the surface, to create a new colormap. This produces an effect similar to using a light on a surface, but with all of the visible colors actually in the colormap. Lighting calculations are performed on the unprojected data.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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