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Find attribute in DICOM data dictionary


nameOut = dicomlookup(group,element) looks into the current DICOM data dictionary for the attribute with the specified group tag group and element tag element. dicomlookup returns the name of the attribute.


[groupOut,elementOut] = dicomlookup(name) looks into the current DICOM data dictionary for the attribute specified by name and returns the group and element tags associated with the attribute.


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Find the names of DICOM attributes using their tags.

name1 = dicomlookup("7FE0","0010")
name1 = 
name2 = dicomlookup(40,4)
name2 = 

Look up the group and element of a DICOM attribute by the attribute name.

[group,element] = dicomlookup("TransferSyntaxUID")
group = 
element = 

Read the metadata of a DICOM file. Access the value of a metadata attribute in the file by specifying its group and element tag. This returns the same value even if the data dictionary changes.

metadata = dicominfo("CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm");
ans = 

Input Arguments

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DICOM group tag, specified as a positive integer decimal number or a character vector or string scalar that contains a hexadecimal value. element and group must use the same type of value:

  • If group is a positive integer decimal number, then element must also be a positive integer decimal number.

  • If group is a character vector or string scalar that contains a hexadecimal value, then element must be either a character vector or a string scalar that contains a hexadecimal value.

Example: 40

Example: '7FE0' or "7FE0"

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | char | string

DICOM element tag, specified as a positive integer decimal number or a character vector or string scalar that contains a hexadecimal value. element and group must use the same type of value:

  • If group is a positive integer decimal number, then element must also be a positive integer decimal number.

  • If group is a character vector or string scalar that contains a hexadecimal value, then element must be either a character vector or a string scalar that contains a hexadecimal value.

Example: 4

Example: '0010' or "0010"

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | char | string

DICOM attribute name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: 'PhotometricInterpretation' or "PhotometricInterpretation"

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Returned DICOM group tag, returned as a positive integer decimal number.

Data Types: double

Returned DICOM element tag, returned as a positive integer decimal number.

Data Types: double

Returned DICOM attribute name, returned as a character vector.

Data Types: char

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2006b

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