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Send HDL simulator event ID and process ID to MATLAB server



Issue this command in the HDL simulator, not in MATLAB®. It is only available after the HDL simulator loads the MATLAB library.

notifyMatlabServer eventID -socket tcp_spec sends the HDL simulator event ID and process identification (PID) to the MATLAB server (hdldaemon) using the specified connection methods (socket or shared memory). For MATLAB to receive these IDs, hdldaemon must be running with the same communication mode specified by the notifyMatlabServer function. The event ID and the PID queue in hdldaemon. notifyMatlabServer is often used with waitForHdlClient to make sure that the HDL simulator is ready to begin or continue processing.



Send HDL Simulator Event and Process IDs to MATLAB Server

If EventID = 5 is received within 100 seconds, the function returns the HDL simulator PID. If a time-out occurs, the function returns –1.

>> hdldaemon('socket',5002);
>> hdlpid = waitForHdlClient(100,5);

In the HDL simulator, use the notifyMatlabServer command to send event ID 5 to hdldaemon running on the same machine using TCP/IP socket port 5002.

>> notifyMatlabServer 5 -socket 5002

Input Arguments

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Event ID to send to hdldaemon specified as a positive integer. This input argument contains the event ID expected by the command waitForHdlClient in MATLAB.

TCP/IP socket communication for the link between the HDL simulator and MATLAB, specified as a TCP/IP port name or service name. If the MATLAB server is running on a remote host, you must also specify the name or internet address of the remote host. When this input argument is not specified, the function uses shared memory communication.

Version History

Introduced in R2012b