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Get tuned parameters

Since R2023a


params = tunedParameters(tuner) returns the tuned parameters from the tuner.


  • When tuning a trackingFilterTuner object by using its tune object function, the trackingFilterTuner object saves the tuned parameters at each solver step. Use the tunedParameters function to retrieve the tuned parameters.

  • If you changed any of these properties of the trackingFilterTuner object, run the tune object function before using the tunedParameters function.

    • FilterInitializationFcn

    • TunablePropertiesSource

    • CustomTunableProperties



collapse all

Load the tuning data containing the truth and detection data.


Create a trackingFilterTuner object. By default, the FilterInitializationFcn property of the tuner initializes a trackingEKF object.

tuner = trackingFilterTuner;
Iter        RMSE          Step Size
   0       9.2177                
   1       9.1951          0.1509
   2       9.0458          1.5276
   3       9.0456          0.0176
   4       9.0452          0.0706
   5       9.0452          0.0142
   6       9.0452          0.0012
   7       9.0452          0.0119
   8       9.0452          0.0015
   9       9.0451          0.0500
  10       9.0450          0.0743
  11       9.0450          0.0312
  12       9.0450          0.0122

Obtain the tuned parameters.

tunedParams = tunedParameters(tuner)
tunedParams = struct with fields:
       ProcessNoise: [3x3 double]
    StateCovariance: [6x6 double]

Input Arguments

collapse all

Tracking filter tuner, specified as a trackingFilterTuner object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Tuned parameters, returned as a structure. The exact fields and values of the structure vary based on the specific filter.

Data Types: struct

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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