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Fuser source indices

Since R2021a


indices = sourceIndices(fuser) returns the SourceIndex values of the fuserSourceConfiguration objects contained in the SourceConfigurations property of the track fuser.



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Define two sources using the fuserSourceConfiguration objects.

source1 = fuserSourceConfiguration(1,'IsInternalSource',true);
source2 = fuserSourceConfiguration(2,'IsInternalSource',false);

Create a track fuser with the two sources.

fuser = trackFuser('FuserIndex',3,'SourceConfigurations',{source1;source2});

Obtain the source indices.

indices = sourceIndices(fuser)
indices = 1×2

     1     2

Input Arguments

collapse all

Track fuser, specified as a trackFuser object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Indices of sources, return as a row-vector of nonnegative integers.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a