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Plot set of coverages in theater coverage plotter

Since R2020a


plotCoverage(cPlotter,configurations) specifies configurations of M sensors or emitters whose coverage areas and beams are plotted by the CoveragePlotter object, cPlotter. See coveragePlotter on how to create a CoveragePlotter object.


plotCoverage(cPlotter,configurations,indices,colors) specifies the color of each coverage and beam plot pair using a list of indices and colors.


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Create a theater plot and set the limits for its axes. Create a coverage plotter with DisplayName set to 'Sensor Coverage'.

tp = theaterPlot('XLim',[-40 40],'YLim',[-40 40],'ZLim',[-40 40]);
covp = coveragePlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Sensor Coverage');

Set up the configuration of the sensors whose coverage is to be plotted.

 sensor = struct('Index',1,'ScanLimits',[-45 45],'FieldOfView',[10;40],...

Plot the coverage using the plotCoverage function and visualize the results. The dark blue represents the current sensor beam, and the light blue represents the coverage area.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains an object of type patch. This object represents Sensor Coverage.

Create a theater plot and create a coverage plotter.

tp = theaterPlot('XLim',[-1e7 1e7],'YLim',[-1e7 1e7],'ZLim',[-2e6 1e6]);
covp = coveragePlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Sensor Coverage');

Model a non-scanning radar and a raster scanning radar.

radarIndex = 1;
radar =fusionRadarSensor(radarIndex,'No Scanning','RangeLimits',[0 1e8]);
RasterIndex = 2;
raster = fusionRadarSensor(RasterIndex,'Raster','RangeLimits',[0 1e8]);

Create a target platform.

tgt = struct( ...
        'PlatformID', 1, ...
        'Position', [0 -50e3 -1e3], ...
        'Speed', -1e3);

Simulate sensors and visualize their scanning pattern.

time = 0;
timestep = 1;
stopTime = 90;
while time < stopTime
    time = time+timestep;
    % Obtain sensor configuration using coverageConfig. 
    radarcov = coverageConfig(radar);
    ircov = coverageConfig(raster);
    % Update plotter
        [radarIndex, RasterIndex],... 

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains an object of type patch. This object represents Sensor Coverage.

Input Arguments

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Coverage plotter object, created by the coveragePlotter function.

Sensor or emitter configurations, specified as an array of structures. Each structure corresponds to the configuration of a sensor or emitter. The fields of each structure are:

Fields of configurations

Index A unique integer to distinguish sensors or emitters.

The current boresight angles of the sensor or emitter, specified as:

  • A scalar in degrees if scanning only in the azimuth direction.

  • A two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees if scanning both in the azimuth and elevation directions.

FieldOfViewThe field of view of the sensor or emitter, specified as a two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees.

The minimum and maximum angles the sensor or emitter can scan from its Orientation.

  • If the sensor or emitter can only scan in the azimuth direction, specify the limits as a 1-by-2 row vector [minAz, maxAz] in degrees.

  • If the sensor or emitter can also scan in the elevation direction, specify the limits as a 2-by-2 matrix [minAz, maxAz; minEl, maxEl] in degrees.

RangeThe range of the beam and coverage area of the sensor or emitter in meters.
PositionThe origin position of the sensor or emitter, specified as a three-element vector [X, Y, Z] on the theater plot's axes.
OrientationThe rotation transformation from the scenario or global frame to the sensor or emitter mounting frame, specified as a rotation matrix, a quaternion, or three Euler angles in ZYX sequence.


If either the value of Position field or the value of the Orientation field is NaN, the corresponding coverage area and beam will not be plotted.

Sensor or emitter indices, specified as an N-element array of nonnegative integers. This argument allows you to specify the color of each coverage area and beam pair with the corresponding index.

Example: [1;2;4]

Coverage plotter colors, specified as an N-element vector of character vectors, string scalars, RGB triplets, or hexadecimal color codes. N is the number of elements in the indices array. The coverage area and beam pair indexed by the ith element in the indices array is plotted with the color specified by the ith element of the colors array.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a