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FunctionApproximation.Problem Class

Namespace: FunctionApproximation

Object defining the function to approximate, or the lookup table to optimize


The FunctionApproximation.Problem object defines the function to approximate with a lookup table, or the lookup table block to optimize. After defining the problem, use the solve method to generate a FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution object that contains the approximation.


approximationProblem = FunctionApproximation.Problem() creates a FunctionApproximation.Problem object with default property values. When no function input is provided, the FunctionToApproximate property is set to 'sin'.

approximationProblem = FunctionApproximation.Problem(function) creates a FunctionApproximation.Problem object to approximate the function, Math Function block, or lookup table specified by function.

Input Arguments

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Function or block to approximate, or the lookup table block to optimize, specified as a function handle, a math function, a cfit (Curve Fitting Toolbox) object, a Simulink® block or subsystem, or one of the lookup table blocks (for example, 1-D Lookup Table, n-D Lookup Table).

If you specify one of the lookup table blocks, the solve method generates an optimized lookup table.

If you specify a math function, a function handle, cfit object, or a block, the solve method generates a lookup table approximation of the input function.

If you specify a cfit object, use the fittype (Curve Fitting Toolbox) function to specify a library model to approximate. For a list of library models, see List of Library Models for Curve and Surface Fitting (Curve Fitting Toolbox).

Function handles must be on the MATLAB® search path, or approximation fails.

The MATLAB math functions supported for approximation are:

  • 1./x

  • 10.^x

  • 2.^x

  • acos

  • acosh

  • asin

  • asinh

  • atan

  • atan2

  • atanh

  • cos

  • cosh

  • exp

  • log

  • log10

  • log2

  • sin

  • sinh

  • sqrt

  • tan

  • tanh

  • x.^2


The process of generating a lookup table approximation is faster for a function handle than for a subsystem. If a subsystem can be represented by a function handle, it is faster to approximate the function handle.

Data Types: char | function_handle


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Function or block to approximate, or the lookup table block to optimize, specified as a function handle, a math function, a Simulink block or subsystem, or one of the lookup table blocks (for example, 1-D Lookup Table, n-D Lookup Table).

If you specify one of the lookup table blocks, the solve method generates an optimized lookup table.

If you specify a cfit object, use the fittype (Curve Fitting Toolbox) function to specify a library model to approximate. For a list of library models, see List of Library Models for Curve and Surface Fitting (Curve Fitting Toolbox).

If you specify a math function, a function handle, cfit object, or a block, the solve method generates a lookup table approximation of the input function.

Function handles must be on the MATLAB search path, or approximation fails.

The MATLAB math functions supported for approximation are:

  • 1./x

  • 10.^x

  • 2.^x

  • acos

  • acosh

  • asin

  • asinh

  • atan

  • atan2

  • atanh

  • cos

  • cosh

  • exp

  • log

  • log10

  • log2

  • sin

  • sinh

  • sqrt

  • tan

  • tanh

  • x.^2


The process of generating a lookup table approximation is faster for a function handle than for a subsystem. If a subsystem can be represented by a function handle, it is faster to approximate the function handle.

Data Types: char | function_handle

Number of inputs to approximated function. This property is inferred from the FunctionToApproximate property, therefore it is not a writable property.

If you are generating a Direct Lookup Table, the function to approximate can have no more than two inputs.

Data Types: double

Desired data types of the inputs to the approximated function, specified as a numerictype, Simulink.Numerictype, or a vector of numerictype or Simulink.Numerictype objects. The number of InputTypes specified must match the NumberOfInputs.

Example: problem.InputTypes = ["numerictype(1,16,13)", "numerictype(1,16,10)"];

Lower limit of range of inputs to function to approximate, specified as a scalar or vector. If you specify inf, the InputLowerBounds used during the approximation is derived from the InputTypes property. The dimensions of InputLowerBounds must match the NumberOfInputs.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fi

Upper limit of range of inputs to function to approximate, specified as a scalar or vector. If you specify inf, the InputUpperBounds used during the approximation is derived from the InputTypes property. The dimensions of InputUpperBounds must match the NumberOfInputs.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fi

Desired data type of the function approximation output, specified as a numerictype or Simulink.Numerictype. For example, to specify that you want the output to be a signed fixed-point data type with 16-bit word length and best-precision fraction length, set the OutputType property to "numerictype(1,16)".

Example: problem.OutputType = "numerictype(1,16)";

Additional options and constraints to use in approximation, specified as a FunctionApproximation.Options object.


solveSolve for optimized solution to function approximation problem

Copy Semantics

Handle. To learn how handle classes affect copy operations, see Copying Objects.


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Create a FunctionApproximation.Problem object, specifying a function handle that you want to approximate.

problem = FunctionApproximation.Problem(@(x,y) sin(x)+cos(y))
problem = 

  FunctionApproximation.Problem with properties

    FunctionToApproximate: @(x,y)sin(x)+cos(y)
           NumberOfInputs: 2
               InputTypes: ["numerictype('double')"    "numerictype('double')"]
         InputLowerBounds: [-Inf -Inf]
         InputUpperBounds: [Inf Inf]
               OutputType: "numerictype('double')"
                  Options: [1×1 FunctionApproximation.Options]

The FunctionApproximation.Problem object, problem, uses default property values.

Set the range of the function inputs to be between zero and 2*pi.

problem.InputLowerBounds = [0,0];
problem.InputUpperBounds = [2*pi, 2*pi]
problem = 

  FunctionApproximation.Problem with properties

    FunctionToApproximate: @(x,y)sin(x)+cos(y)
           NumberOfInputs: 2
               InputTypes: ["numerictype('double')"    "numerictype('double')"]
         InputLowerBounds: [0 0]
         InputUpperBounds: [6.2832 6.2832]
               OutputType: "numerictype('double')"
                  Options: [1×1 FunctionApproximation.Options]

Create a FunctionApproximation.Problem object, specifying a math function to approximate.

problem = FunctionApproximation.Problem('log')
problem = 

  FunctionApproximation.Problem with properties

    FunctionToApproximate: @(x)log(x)
           NumberOfInputs: 1
               InputTypes: "numerictype(1,16,10)"
         InputLowerBounds: 0.6250
         InputUpperBounds: 15.6250
               OutputType: "numerictype(1,16,13)"
                  Options: [1×1 FunctionApproximation.Options]

The math functions have appropriate input range, input data type, and output data type property defaults.

Create a FunctionApproximation.Problem object, specifying a cfit object to approximate.

ffun = fittype('exp1');
cfun = cfit(ffun,0.1,0.2);
problem = FunctionApproximation.Problem(cfun);
problem = 

  1×1 FunctionApproximation.Problem with properties:

    FunctionToApproximate: [1x1 cfit]
           NumberOfInputs: 1
               InputTypes: "numerictype('double')"
         InputLowerBounds: -Inf
         InputUpperBounds: Inf
               OutputType: "numerictype('double')"
                  Options: [1×1 FunctionApproximation.Options]

Create a FunctionApproximation.Problem object to optimize an existing lookup table.

problem = FunctionApproximation.Problem('sldemo_fuelsys/fuel_rate_control/airflow_calc/Pumping Constant')
problem = 

  FunctionApproximation.Problem with properties

    FunctionToApproximate: 'sldemo_fuelsys/fuel_rate_control/airflow_calc/Pumping Constant'
           NumberOfInputs: 2
               InputTypes: ["numerictype('single')"    "numerictype('single')"]
         InputLowerBounds: [50 0.0500]
         InputUpperBounds: [1000 0.9500]
               OutputType: "numerictype('single')"
                  Options: [1×1 FunctionApproximation.Options]

The software infers the properties of the problem object from the model.

Since R2023a

This example shows how to search for pure floating-point solutions to the function approximation problem.

Create a FunctionApproximation.Problem object specifying a function to approximate.

problem = FunctionApproximation.Problem("sin");

Specify the input and output types to be a floating-point data type.

problem.InputTypes = [numerictype('Single')];
problem.OutputType = [numerictype('Single')];

Use the FunctionApproximation.Options object to specify wordlengths that can be used in the lookup table approximation. To search for floating-point solutions, specify word lengths corresponding to a single-precision or double-precision data type.

problem.Options.WordLengths = 32;

Use the solve method to generate an approximation of the function.

Searching for fixed-point solutions.

|  ID |  Memory (bits) | Feasible | Table Size | Breakpoints WLs | TableData WL | BreakpointSpecification |             Error(Max,Current) | 
|   0 |            128 |        0 |          2 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.000000e+00 |
|   1 |           1568 |        1 |         47 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 2.331257e-03 |
|   2 |           1536 |        1 |         46 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 2.434479e-03 |
|   3 |           1216 |        1 |         36 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.021697e-03 |
|   4 |           1184 |        1 |         35 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.265845e-03 |
|   5 |            832 |        1 |         24 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 6.411283e-03 |
|   6 |            800 |        1 |         23 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.061585e-03 |
|   7 |            448 |        0 |         12 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.009663e-02 |
|   8 |            608 |        0 |         17 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.884634e-02 |
|   9 |            704 |        0 |         20 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 8.071933e-03 |
|  10 |            736 |        0 |         21 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 8.607101e-03 |
|  11 |            768 |        1 |         22 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.249979e-03 |
|  12 |            128 |        0 |          2 |              32 |           32 |         EvenPow2Spacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.315148e+00 |
|  13 |           1152 |        1 |         18 |              32 |           32 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.812380e-03 |
|  14 |           1024 |        0 |         16 |              32 |           32 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 1.202238e-02 |
|  15 |           1152 |        0 |         18 |              32 |           32 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 1.068657e-02 |
|  16 |           1280 |        1 |         20 |              32 |           32 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.278747e-03 |
Searching for floating-point solutions.

|  17 |           1536 |        1 |         46 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 2.434489e-03 |
|  18 |            128 |        0 |          2 |              32 |           32 |         EvenPow2Spacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.315148e+00 |
|  19 |           1152 |        1 |         18 |              32 |           32 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.812365e-03 |
|  20 |           1024 |        0 |         16 |              32 |           32 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 1.202232e-02 |

Best Solution
|  ID |  Memory (bits) | Feasible | Table Size | Breakpoints WLs | TableData WL | BreakpointSpecification |             Error(Max,Current) |
|  11 |            768 |        1 |         22 |              32 |           32 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.249979e-03 |
ans = 
  1x1 FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution with properties:

          ID: 11
    Feasible: "true"

The solve method returns all feasible solutions. In the table, fixed-point solutions are returned first, followed by floating-point solutions. The Lookup Table Optimizer selects a floating-point solution as the best solution when all of these conditions are met:

  • The floating-point solution requires equal or less memory than a fixed-point solution.

  • Both the InputTypes and OutputType properties of the FunctionApproximation.Problem object specify a floating-point data type.

  • The WordLengths property of the FunctionApproximation.Options object includes word lengths corresponding to a single-precision or double-precision data type.


  • Lookup table objects and breakpoint objects are not supported in a model mask workspace.


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Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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