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RTW.TflBlockEntry Class

Namespace: RTW

Create block replacement entry

Since R2024a


Use the RTW.TflBlockEntry class to finely control the specification of a block replacement entry. For block replacement entries, you can specify match criteria such as block parameter settings that the entry must match for code replacement. You can specify implementation functions for each model system function that the block generates, such as initialize, update, and terminate functions.

The RTW.TflBlockEntry class is a handle class.



entry = RTW.TflBlockEntry creates an RTW.TflBlockEntry object.



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Type of block to replace, specified as a character array.

Example: 'DiscreteFir'

Additional header files for a block replacement entry, specified as a cell array of character vectors.

Example: 'AdditionalHeaderFiles',{}

Block dialog properties for the block replacement entry to match, specified as an array of block property handles, such as the handle created by the RTW.BlockProperty function. Each block property handle specifies the name and value of a block property that the block replacement entry matches during code replacement. You can add a block property by using the addBlockProperty method.

Example: RTW.BlockProperty('FilterStructure','Direct form')

Numeric block parameters whose values are used by the implementation functions, specified as an array of argument handles. These parameters are called block parameter arguments. Implementation functions can use block parameter argument data directly (by referencing the parameter) or indirectly (by referencing a derived parameter that uses the block parameter argument).

To use a block parameter value in an implementation function, you must specify the data type information of the parameter by adding a block parameter argument as an argument handle in BlockParamArgs. Create an argument handle that specifies the data type by using the getTflArgFromString function or the RTW.TflArgMatrix or RTW.TflArgNumeric classes. Add the argument by using the addBlockParamArg method.

During replacement, the code generator uses the data type information to:

  • Match blocks that use the corresponding data type for the parameter.

  • Construct the arguments for calling the implementation code that uses the block parameter argument.

Example: [RTW.TflArgMatrix('Coefficient','RTW_IO_INPUT','int16')]

Derived parameters that one or more implementation functions use for arguments, specified as a cell array of character vector MATLAB® expressions. The expressions must follow the format 'derivedParameter = expression' where:

  • The right side of the equation is a constant, conceptual argument, block parameter, or a MATLAB function that is on the path and supports code generation.

  • If the right side of the equation uses variables such as block parameters, conceptual arguments, or other derived block parameters, each variable follows the format <%VarName>.

  • The left side of the expression is the derived parameter that an implementation function of the block replacement entry uses.

Depending on the expression, the derived parameter is generated as a variable in the generated code or is evaluated and inlined as a constant in the code. Derived parameters that use the functions size, length, and numel are evaluated during code generation and inlined as constants. A derived parameter does not appear in the generated code if none of the block replacement entry implementation functions use the parameter.

Example: [{'coeffDim = size(<%Coefficients>)'} {'dim1 = <%coeffDim>(1)'} {'dim2 = <%coeffDim>(2)'}]

Example: [{'InputDim = size(<%u1>)'}]

Example: 'tempBuffer = <%u1>'

Callback that follows code generation. If you specify 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', and if this function entry is matched and used, the code generator calls function RTW.copyFileToBuildDir after code generation. This callback function copies additional header, source, or object files that you have specified for this function entry to the build folder.

Example: 'GenCallback','RTW.copyFileToBuildDir'

Implementation functions that replace the generated code for the block, specified as an N-by-2 cell array in which the first column contains the character vector name of a model system function and the second column contains an RTW.CImplementation object that represents the implementation function.

Model system functions include:

  • 'initialize'

  • 'update'

  • 'output'

  • 'terminate'

You can add an implementation function by using the addImplementation method.

Example: [{'initialize'};{initImplementationObj}]

Search priority for the block replacement entry relative to other entries for the block, specified as an integer from 0 to 100. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest priority is 100. If the code replacement table provides two entries of the same block key and conceptual argument list, the entry with the higher priority is used for replacement.

Example: 100

Option to instruct the code generator not to attempt to optimize away the implementation function described by this entry, specified as false or true. This parameter applies to implementation functions that return void but are not to be optimized away, such as a memcpy implementation or an implementation function that accesses global memory values. For those implementation functions only, you must include this parameter and specify the value true.


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Create a block replacement entry for the Discrete FIR Filter block.

Create the block replacement entry by using the key DiscreteFir for the Discrete FIR Filter block. Set the priority of the entry to 1.

hLib = RTW.TflTable;

entry = RTW.TflBlockEntry;
entry.Key = 'DiscreteFir';
entry.Priority = 1;

Specify the block properties to match by using the RTW.BlockProperty function. Specify that the block entry matches Discrete FIR Filter blocks that have FilterStructure set to Direct form and InputProcessing set to Columns as channels (frame based).

prop1 = RTW.BlockProperty('FilterStructure', 'Direct form');
addBlockProperty(entry, prop1);
prop2 = RTW.BlockProperty('InputProcessing', 'Columns as channels (frame based)'); 
addBlockProperty(entry, prop2);

Create the conceptual representation of the block by specifying block inputs and outputs. Add the first output with the type single to the entry.

arg = getTflArgFromString(hLib, 'y1', 'single');
addConceptualArg(entry, arg);

Add the specifications for the implementation functions to the entry. Add the initialization function init_impl, which uses the derived block parameter numTaps as an input argument. Because the derived parameter uses the block parameter Coefficients, specify the data type for Coefficients by adding a block parameter argument.

impl = RTW.CImplementation;
impl.Name = 'init_impl';

blockParamArg = RTW.TflArgMatrix('Coefficients','RTW_IO_INTPUT','int16');

entry.DerivedBlockParams{1} = 'numTaps = length(<%Coefficients>)';
arg = getTflArgFromString(hLib, 'numTaps', 'uint16');
addArgument(impl, arg);

addImplementation(entry, 'initialize', impl);

Add the block replacement entry to the code replacement table.

addEntry(hLib, entry);

Version History

Introduced in R2024a