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Remove custom basemap


removeCustomBasemap(basemapName) removes the custom basemap specified by basemapName from the list of available basemaps.

If the custom basemap specified by basemapName has not been previously added using the addCustomBasemap function, the removeCustomBasemap function issues an error.



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Add a custom basemap to view locations on an OpenStreetMap® basemap.

name = "openstreetmap";
url = "${z}/${x}/${y}.png";
copyright = char(uint8(169));
attribution = copyright + "OpenStreetMap contributors";

Use the custom basemap with a geographic player.

data = load("geoSequence.mat");
player = geoplayer(data.latitude(1),data.longitude(1),"Basemap",name);

{"String":"Figure Geographic Player contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line, scatter.","Tex":[],"LaTex":[]}

Remove the custom basemap. The custom basemap associated with the specified name remains stored in this geographic player. However, this basemap is no longer available for use with new players.


Input Arguments

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Name of the custom basemap to remove, specified as a string scalar or character vector. You define the basemap name when you add the basemap using the addCustomBasemap function.

Data Types: string | char

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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