Neural network performance
calculates a network performance given targets and outputs, with optional performance weights
and other parameters. The function returns a result that heavily penalizes outputs that are
extremely inaccurate (perf
= crossentropy(net
near 1-t
), with very little
penalty for fairly correct classifications (y
near t
Minimizing cross-entropy leads to good classifiers.
The cross-entropy for each pair of output-target elements is calculated as: ce =
-t .* log(y)
The aggregate cross-entropy performance is the mean of the individual values:
perf = sum(ce(:))/numel(ce)
Special case (N = 1): If an output consists of only one element, then the outputs and
targets are interpreted as binary encoding. That is, there are two classes with targets of 0
and 1, whereas in 1-of-N encoding, there are two or more classes. The binary cross-entropy
expression is: ce = -t .* log(y) - (1-t) .* log(1-y)
supports customization according to the specified name-value pair arguments.perf
= crossentropy(___,Name,Value
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2013b