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State vector map for sparse model

Since R2020b


    showStateInfo(sys) prints a state vector map of the x or q vectors, that is, how they are partitioned into components, interfaces, and signals.

    For sparss models, showStateInfo maps the content of the state vector x back to individual components and internal signals. Here, Component refers to the sub-components or sub-structures that were combined into sys. The Signal group includes all signals flowing between components, for example, in series or feedback connections.

    For mechss models, showStateInfo maps the content of the vector q of generalized degrees of freedom in terms of components, interfaces, and signals. The Interface group includes all DAE variables arising from physical couplings between components (see interface).



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    For this example, consider sparseSOSignal.mat that contains a sparse second-order model. Define an actuator, sensor, and controller and connect them together with the plant in a feedback loop.

    Load the sparse matrices and create the mechss object.

    load sparseSOSignal.mat
    plant = mechss(M,C,K,B,F,[],[],'Name','Plant');

    Next, create an actuator and sensor using transfer functions.

    act = tf(1,[1 0.5 3],'Name','Actuator');
    sen = tf(1,[0.02 7],'Name','Sensor');

    Create a PID controller object for the plant.

    con = pid(1,1,0.1,0.01,'Name','Controller');

    Use the feedback command to connect the plant, sensor, actuator, and controller in a feedback loop.

    sys = feedback(sen*plant*act*con,1)
    Sparse continuous-time second-order model with 1 outputs, 1 inputs, and 7111 degrees of freedom.
    Use "spy" and "showStateInfo" to inspect model structure. 
    Type "help mechssOptions" for available solver options for this model.

    The resultant system sys is a mechss object since mechss objects take precedence over all other model object types.

    Use showStateInfo to view the component and signal groups.

    The state groups are:
        Type          Name       Size
      Component      Sensor         1
      Component      Plant       7102
      Signal                        1
      Component     Actuator        2
      Signal                        1
      Component    Controller       2
      Signal                        1
      Signal                        1

    Use xsort to sort the components and signals, and then view the component and signal groups.

    sysSort = xsort(sys);
    The state groups are:
        Type          Name       Size
      Component      Sensor         1
      Component      Plant       7102
      Component     Actuator        2
      Component    Controller       2
      Signal                        4

    Observe that the components are now ordered before the signal partition. The signals are now sorted and grouped together in a single partition.

    You can also visualize the sparsity pattern of the resultant system using spy.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title nnz: M=170134, C=5, K=340360, B=3, F=1., xlabel Right-click to select matrices contains 17 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent K, B, F, D.

    For this example, consider a structural model that consists of two square plates connected with pillars at each vertex as depicted in the figure below. The lower plate is attached rigidly to the ground while the pillars are attached rigidly to each vertex of the square plate.


    Load the finite element model matrices contained in platePillarModel.mat and create the sparse second-order model representing the above system.

    model = ...
       mechss(M1,[],K1,B1,F1,'Name','Plate1') + ...
       mechss(M2,[],K2,B2,F2,'Name','Plate2') + ...
       mechss(Mp,[],Kp,Bp,Fp,'Name','Pillar3') + ...
       mechss(Mp,[],Kp,Bp,Fp,'Name','Pillar4') + ...
       mechss(Mp,[],Kp,Bp,Fp,'Name','Pillar5') + ...
    sys = model;

    Use showStateInfo to examine the components of the mechss model object.

    The state groups are:
        Type        Name      Size
      Component    Plate1     2646
      Component    Plate2     2646
      Component    Pillar3     132
      Component    Pillar4     132
      Component    Pillar5     132
      Component    Pillar6     132

    Now, load the interfaced degree of freedom (DOF) index data from dofData.mat and use interface to create the physical connections between the two plates and the four pillars. dofs is a 6x7 cell array where the first two rows contain DOF index data for the first and second plates while the remaining four rows contain index data for the four pillars. By default, the function uses dual-assembly method of physical coupling.

    for i=3:6
       sys = interface(sys,"Plate1",dofs{1,i},"Pillar"+i,dofs{i,1});
       sys = interface(sys,"Plate2",dofs{2,i},"Pillar"+i,dofs{i,2});

    Specify connection between the bottom plate and the ground.

    sysConDual = interface(sys,"Plate2",dofs{2,7});

    Use showStateInfo to confirm the physical interfaces.

    The state groups are:
        Type            Name         Size
      Component        Plate1        2646
      Component        Plate2        2646
      Component       Pillar3         132
      Component       Pillar4         132
      Component       Pillar5         132
      Component       Pillar6         132
      Interface    Plate1-Pillar3      12
      Interface    Plate2-Pillar3      12
      Interface    Plate1-Pillar4      12
      Interface    Plate2-Pillar4      12
      Interface    Plate1-Pillar5      12
      Interface    Plate2-Pillar5      12
      Interface    Plate1-Pillar6      12
      Interface    Plate2-Pillar6      12
      Interface    Plate2-Ground        6

    You can use spy to visualize the sparse matrices in the final model.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title nnz: M=95256, K=249052, B=1, F=1., xlabel Right-click to select matrices contains 37 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent K, B, F, D.

    Now, specify physical connections using the primal-assembly method.

    sys = model;
    for i=3:6
       sys = interface(sys,"Plate1",dofs{1,i},"Pillar"+i,dofs{i,1},'primal');
       sys = interface(sys,"Plate2",dofs{2,i},"Pillar"+i,dofs{i,2},'primal');
    sysConPrimal = interface(sys,"Plate2",dofs{2,7},'primal');

    Use showStateInfo to confirm the physical interfaces.

    The state groups are:
        Type        Name      Size
      Component    Plate1     2646
      Component    Plate2     2640
      Component    Pillar3     108
      Component    Pillar4     108
      Component    Pillar5     108
      Component    Pillar6     108

    Primal assembly eliminates half of the redundant DOFs associated with the shared set of DOFs in the global finite element mesh.

    You can use spy to visualize the sparse matrices in the final model.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title nnz: M=94666, K=246838, B=1, F=1., xlabel Right-click to select matrices contains 19 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent K, B, F, D.

    The data set for this example was provided by Victor Dolk from ASML.

    Input Arguments

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    Sparse state-space model, specified as a sparss or mechss model object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b

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