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Sharing Options for Clusters

When creating a cluster, you can select either Personal Cluster or Shareable Cluster for the cluster Shared State. The Shared State default value is Personal Cluster.

After you create a cluster as a personal cluster or shareable cluster, you cannot change the cluster’s Shared State.

Personal Cluster

A Personal Cluster is a cluster that only you have access to. If that cluster is also a dedicated headnode, the cluster can access files on your MATLAB® Drive™ (read-only). A personal cluster Shared State also selects Auto-Manage Cluster Access by default.

Personal Cluster Authorization

If you create a personal cluster, only you can submit jobs to or interact with the cluster from MATLAB, even if another person has a copy of the cluster profile.

Personal Cluster and MATLAB Drive Access

If your personal cluster is also a dedicated headnode cluster, your MATLAB Drive files are available to the cluster’s workers in the /MATLAB Drive file system path. The files available on MATLAB Drive are read-only. You can access a read/write version of your MATLAB Drive files on the cluster’s headnode through SSH access with your root access key (user name: ubuntu), switching to the gdsd user (sudo su -l gdsd), and using the /mnt/matlab_drive file system path.

Personal Cluster and Auto-Manage Cluster Access

When you create a Cloud Center cluster, you can enable/disable Auto-Manage Cluster Access. When you select Personal Cluster, Cloud Center also selects Auto-Manage Cluster Access automatically. You can disable this feature before you create your cluster or at any time after you create your cluster.

Shareable Cluster

A Shareable Cluster is a cluster that you, the cluster owner, can share with others by giving them explicit access using the cluster profile (downloaded from Cloud Center’s Cluster Details page or exported from MATLAB). Anyone who has the cluster profile can import the cluster profile into MATLAB, allowing them to submit jobs to or interact with the cluster from MATLAB. They can also re-share the cluster profile.

Shareable Cluster Authorization

When you create a cluster with a Shared State of shareable cluster, you can share the cluster with anyone by sharing the cluster profile.

R2019b Only

When you create a cluster with a Shared State of shareable cluster, you must also supply a list of other users authorized to submit jobs to or interact with the cluster from MATLAB. The Shared With white list is a comma-separated list of email addresses and/or email domains that are authorized to access the cluster. Although the Shared With field defaults to the cluster owner’s email domain, the cluster owner may remove their own authorization to submit jobs to or interact with the cluster from MATLAB. Even if the cluster owner is not a member of the Shared With white list, the cluster owner still can access the cluster via SSH. If you edit the Shared With white list while the cluster is running, the change in authorization takes effect immediately: added users can access the cluster and removed users can no longer access the cluster. However, any jobs previously submitted by removed users will continue to run.

Shareable Cluster and Auto-Manage Cluster Access

When you create a Cloud Center cluster, you can enable/disable Auto-Manage Cluster Access. When you select Shareable Cluster, Cloud Center also unselects Auto-Manage Cluster Access. You can enable this access before you create your cluster or at any time after you create your cluster.

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