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Catalog of dielectric materials


dc = DielectricCatalog creates an object for the dielectric catalog.

  • To open the dielectric catalog, use open(dc)

  • To know the properties of a dielectric material from the dielectric catalog, use s = find(dc,name).



collapse all

Open the dielectric catalog.

dc = DielectricCatalog;

Figure Dielectric Materials contains objects of type uimenu, uitoolbar, uitable.

List the properties of the dielectric material Foam.

s = find(dc,"Foam")
s = struct with fields:
                     Name: 'Foam'
    Relative_Permittivity: 1.0300
             Loss_Tangent: 1.5000e-04
                Frequency: 50000000
                 Comments: ''

Use the material Foam as a dielectric in a cavity antenna of height and spacing, 0.0060 m.

d = dielectric("Foam");
c = cavity(Height=0.0060,Spacing=0.0060,Substrate=d)
c = 
  cavity with properties:

            Exciter: [1x1 dipole]
          Substrate: [1x1 dielectric]
             Length: 0.2000
              Width: 0.2000
             Height: 0.0060
            Spacing: 0.0060
    EnableProbeFeed: 0
          Conductor: [1x1 metal]
               Tilt: 0
           TiltAxis: [1 0 0]
               Load: [1x1 lumpedElement]


Figure Dielectric Materials contains an axes object. The axes object with title cavity antenna element, xlabel x (mm), ylabel y (mm) contains 6 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed, Foam.

Open the dielectric catalog by using openDielectric Catalog function.To add a new material to the dielectric catalog, click on the row addition icon.


A duplicate record of the dielectric material appears below the selected row.


You can change the record by setting a desired name, permittivity, frequency and thickness of the material to customize.


You can access the new added dielectric material by using dielectric object.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of a dielectric material from the dielectric catalog, specified as a character vector.

Example: "FR4"

Data Types: string

Dielectric catalog, specified as an object.

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

collapse all

Dielectric catalog, returned as an object.

Parameters of a dielectric material from the dielectric catalog, returned as a structure.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

See Also