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Read all protocol packets from current position to end of PCAP file

Since R2021b


    protocolPackets = readAll(pcap) reads all of the protocol packets from the current position to the end of the packet capture (PCAP) file specified by the input PCAP file reader and returns the decoded packets.


    protocolPackets = readAll(pcap,packetFilter) returns only the decoded packets that match the specified filter, packetFilter.


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    Create a PCAP file reader object, specifying the name of a PCAP file.

    pcapReaderObj = pcapReader('ethernetSamplePackets.pcap');

    Read all of the packets from the PCAP file to the MATLAB® workspace.

    decodedPackets = readAll(pcapReaderObj);

    Clear the pcapReaderObj variable from the current workspace.

    clear pcapReaderObj

    Input Arguments

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    PCAP file reader, specified as a pcapReader object.

    Packet filter, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. Ignoring the white spaces, this object function reads and decodes packets from a PCAP file and returns the packets that match the configured filters, packetFilter.

    You can specify this argument as a combination of one or more filters connected by logical AND (& or &&) or logical OR (| or ||). This syntax shows a typical packet filter. The object function evaluates the specified filters from left to right.

    protocolName.FieldName RELATIONALOPERATOR value

    The valid values for protocolName are pcap, eth, and ecpri.

    This table shows the valid values of FieldName and the data type of the corresponding value if protocolName is pcap.

    FieldName Value value Value






    This table shows the valid values of FieldName and the data type of the corresponding value if protocolName is eth.

    FieldName Value value Value

    Character vector or string scalar representing hexadecimal bytes


    Character vector or string scalar representing hexadecimal bytes



    This table shows the valid values of FieldName and the data type of the corresponding value if protocolName is ecpri.

    FieldName Value value Value



    Character vector or string scalar representing eCPRI message type






    For more information about the FieldName values, see the protocolPacket output.

    The valid values for RELATIONALOPERATOR are <=, >=, >, <, ==, ~=, and ~.

    Example: ‘pcap.PacketLength == 100’ filters the protocol packets of size 100 bytes.

    Example: ‘eth.SourceAddress == 44FB5A9710AC & eth.Type == 2048’ filters the Ethernet packets with the specified source address and type of upper-layer protocol.

    Example: ‘ecpri.MessageType == IQData || ecpri.MessageType == RemoteReset || ecpri.MessageType == EventIndication’ filters the eCPRI packets with message type IQ data, remote reset, or event indication.

    Data Types: char | string

    Output Arguments

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    Decoded protocol packets, returned as an array of structures containing these fields.

    Field Description

    Serial number of the protocol packet


    Timestamp of the packet in the format specified by the OutputTimestampFormat property.


    Timestamp of the packet in seconds.

    To enable this field, set the OutputTimestampFormat property of the pcap input to 'datetime'.


    Name of the link type


    Link type specified in the PCAP global header


    Original length of the packet transmitted in the network, in bytes

    If this value is greater than the SnapLength property of the pcapReader object, the length of the decoded protocol packet is truncated to contain SnapLength bytes.


    Decoded packet structure or packet bytes

    If the PCAP file includes Ethernet packets or eCPRI packets encapsulated in Ethernet, this field contains a decoded packet structure. Otherwise, this field contains packet bytes.


    Undecoded bytes because of padding or decode error

    If the PCAP file includes Ethernet packets, the Packet field of this argument contains a structure, eth, containing these fields.

    Field Description

    Medium access control (MAC) address of the source host in decimal bytes, returned as a column vector.

    You can access the source address of the first Ethernet packet by using the command protocolPacket(1).Packet.eth.SourceAddress.


    MAC address of the destination host in decimal bytes, returned as a column vector.

    You can access the destination address of the first Ethernet packet by using the command protocolPacket(1).Packet.eth.DestinationAddress.


    Field in the Ethernet header that identifies the upper-layer protocol.

    You can access the upper-layer protocol type of the first Ethernet packet by using the command protocolPacket(1).Packet.eth.Type.


    Upper-layer protocol packet, returned as a vector of octets where each element is in the range [0, 255].

    You can access the upper-layer protocol payload of the first Ethernet packet by using the command protocolPacket(1).Packet.eth.Payload.


    Undecoded bytes returned by the Ethernet decoder because of padding or decode error.

    If the Ethernet decoder does not return any undecoded bytes, this field is not present in the eth structure.

    You can access the raw bytes of the first Ethernet packet by using the command protocolPacket(1).Packet.eth.RawBytes.

    If the PCAP file includes eCPRI packets encapsulated in Ethernet, the Packet field of this argument also contains a structure or a cell array of structures, ecpri, containing these fields.

    Field Description

    Protocol version of eCPRI, specified as a nonnegative integer.


    Concatenation indicator of eCPRI messages, specified as 0 or 1.

    • A value of 0 indicates the corresponding eCPRI message is the last one inside the eCPRI protocol data unit (PDU).

    • A value of 1 indicates that another eCPRI message follows this one within the eCPRI PDU.


    Type of service supported by the eCPRI message, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

    The output of the eCPRI decoder varies according to the MessageType value. This table shows the MessageType values and the corresponding additional fields supported by the ecpri structure.

    MessageType Value MessageType Description Additional Fields Supported by ecpri Structure

    Transfer time domain or frequency domain in-phase and quadrature (IQ) samples

    PC_ID, SEQ_ID, UserData, and Payload


    Transfer user data in the form of bit sequence

    PC_ID, SEQ_ID, UserData, and Payload


    Transfer vendor specific real-time control messages

    PC_ID, SEQ_ID, UserData, and Payload


    Transfer user plane data or related control

    PC_ID, SEQ_ID, UserData, and Payload


    Enable reading or writing from or to a specific memory address

    RemoteMemoryAccessID, ReadWrite, RequestResponse, ElementID, Address, DataLength, UserData, and Payload


    Estimate the one-way delay between two eCPRI ports in one direction

    MeasurementID, ActionType, TimestampSec, TimestampNanoSec, CompensationValue, UserData, and Payload


    Request to reset an eCPRI node

    ResetID, ResetCodeOp, UserData, and Payload


    Indicates an event has occurred

    EventID, EventType, SequenceNumber, NumberOfFaultsOrNotifications, and Elements


    For more information on the message types and the corresponding additional fields supported in the ecpri structure, see Section 3.2.4 of the eCPRI Specification V1.2 [1].

    Data Types: struct


    [1] “Common Public Radio Interface: eCPRI Interface Specification V1.2 ” Accessed June 22, 2021.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b