Signal Processing Design Using MATLAB and C/C++ - MATLAB
Video length is 3:22

Signal Processing Design Using MATLAB and C/C++

MATLAB® and C/C++ can be used together in a variety of ways to develop algorithms for audio, communications, image, or signal processing applications. Your C program can call MATLAB directly by invoking the MATLAB engine interface, allowing C programmers to utilize MATLAB for data visualization and for access to built-in signal processing functions such as FFTs and digital filters. You can also use MATLAB Coder™ to create ANSI C code directly from MATLAB, or create reusable libraries such as DLLs, or even standalone executables, using MATLAB Compiler™. Finally, if you have C source code that you plan to use in MATLAB, you can compile that code into a MEX function and call it from within MATLAB. You can also use the loadlibrary function from MATLAB to access your C-based IP as a custom library.

Published: 17 Mar 2015