From Apps to Web Services: Sharing the Work You've Done in MATLAB - MATLAB
Video length is 27:41

From Apps to Web Services: Sharing the Work You've Done in MATLAB

Using MATLAB and add-on toolboxes, you can create complete applications or algorithms for sharing with others or for incorporating into other applications. You can create a packaged MATLAB app for others to use in their own MATLAB sessions. With deployment tools including MATLAB Compiler™ and MATLAB builder products, you can share your work outside of MATLAB by packaging your MATLAB applications as an encrypted standalone executable, C/C++ shared library, or a component for use with Java®, .NET, or Excel®. MATLAB Production Server™ lets you run MATLAB programs as a service within your production systems, enabling you to run MATLAB programs as a part of web, database, and enterprise applications.

Recorded: 20 Mar 2013

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