Data Acquisition Toolbox - Other manufacturers - Supported Hardware - MATLAB & Simulink

Data Acquisition Toolbox

Supported Hardware - Other manufacturers

Manufacturers of data acquisition devices are continually adding support for the Data Acquisition Toolbox so that you can use their hardware with MATLAB. If you do not see your specific hardware device described on the Data Acquisition Toolbox supported hardware page, please fill out the form below so that we may provide you any known updates on upcoming support.

Additional hardware connectivity options

The following products enable you to communicate with external hardware devices from within MATLAB or Simulink:

  • The Image Acquisition Toolbox lets you acquire images and video directly into MATLAB and Simulink from PC-compatible imaging hardware.
  • The Instrument Control Toolbox lets you use MATLAB or Simulink to configure and control hardware that uses GPIB, RS-232, TCP/IP, UDP, or VISA.
  • Simulink Real-Time, Simulink Desktop Real-Time, and other products based on Simulink provide connectivity for real-time closed-loop control applications.

Attention Data Acquisition Device Manufacturers

MATLAB has over 1,000,000 users today. Some of these users may purchase your hardware based on whether it supports Data Acquisition Toolbox. Please contact The MathWorks using the web form below to discuss how you can develop integration between Data Acquisition Toolbox and your hardware.

Request Additional Hardware Interface Support

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