3-D Polar Plot from mat Data
@Naeem, [Edit: added references to the File Exchange programs you referenced.] I am surprised that you were not satisfied with...

7 months ago | 0

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FFT from CSV data file
@Mathias Braun, data=importdata('test_amplitude_50.2 (1).csv');; % signal N=length(y); % length of ...

7 months ago | 1

Fitting Curve To Polarplot Data
@israel cohen, Matlab's lsqcurvefit is very good. The help for it has many good examples. As the name suggests, the error fun...

7 months ago | 0

projecting 2D (x, y) coordinates onto a 3D plane
@Giuseppe Cecchelli, I think you know more than I do about Matlab's camera projection algorithms. Therefore I do not expect tha...

7 months ago | 0

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correct conversation from polar to cartesian coordinates for a surface profile
@Jessica Winkler, [edit: clean up copy-paste error, remove a line of code I added that was superfluous] [edit: Reverse the axi...

8 months ago | 0

Unable to find transfer functon using model linearizer
@S J Lohit Prakash, [edit: Fix a typo in the y-axis label of two plots.] [edit: Fix mistake in equation - thank you @Paul.] Y...

8 months ago | 1

Estimating transfer function of a system with input and output values as well as kp and ki values
Keaton, what do you get if you analyze the new data with code used to analyze the earlier data? What differences between the tra...

8 months ago | 0

How can I get a two-dimensional contour line graph from Wavelet Time-Frequency analysis?
@Navid, Here is an example: fs=1000; % sampling rate (Hz) t=(0:1000)/fs; % time vector for x (s) x=chirp(t,50,1,300)...

8 months ago | 1

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Combine two MATLAB figures with two different y axes
@Belinda, I packaged the raw data into a single .mat file, attached. I will make two figures. Figure 1 has two panels. Figure...

8 months ago | 0

Estimating transfer function of a system with input and output values as well as kp and ki values
@Keaton Looper, Yes you can. You can estimate the overall transfer function from Vin(t) to Vout(t) by using tfestimate(), if y...

8 months ago | 0

In the case of a previously filtered signal, what methods can be employed to identify its filter characteristics?
@G, If you only have the filtered signal, and not the original, then you are out pf luck, unless you know, or are willing to as...

8 months ago | 1

How can I draw a plane between 2 points ?
@VIGNESH BALAJI, You need to specify the third point (P2) in order to define a unique plane, and the third point must not be co...

8 months ago | 0

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Hanning Window Energy Density Value
@Selina, The normalization of the power spectrum is tricky. For example,there is the power spectrum and the power spectral dens...

9 months ago | 0

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Why does ode45 output "NaN" after some time, with this time depending on the input
@Merritt, There was an error when I ran testinstudy, because it calls heightconst(), which you did not provide. SO I commented ...

9 months ago | 0

how to crop figures from excess white area
@Sven Larsen, One can reduce the whitespace by clicking and dragging the edgesof the image window so that it more closely matche...

9 months ago | 1

Cropping an irregular image in matlab
@Lauren Smith, it appears to me that a rectangular crop would work for this image. A rectangle can be selected that includes not...

9 months ago | 0

How can I fix my code of the heat equation?
@Jesus, [Edit: Correct "x(i)=pos(1) & y(j)=pos(2)" to "x(i)==pos(1) & y(j)==pos(2)".] [Edit: Fixed the update formula.] Am I...

9 months ago | 0

Rungekuttan for a system of 2 DOE functions
@Emelia, I recommend that you write a set of first order differential equations for your system. Let the four variables be x, ...

9 months ago | 0

deg2nm give unrealistic answer
@Bumpa, deg2nm(1) And when I run it locally I get the same thing.

9 months ago | 0

How to apply the same operation to an ever increasing number of columns?
@Zulfiqar Alibhai [I moved my suggestion from comment section to answer section.] a=[1:7]; b=zeros(20,7); c=b; for j=1:7, b(:...

9 months ago | 0

Solve Displacement Driven Mass/Spring System
@Joerg Fricke-Schmidt, You have written a system of first order differential equations, but I don't think it describes the syst...

9 months ago | 2

Solving a system of ordinary differential equations
@Emily, It looks reasonable to me, especially when I simulate for a longer time. tspan = [0 500]; %timespan y0 = [0.0675 0...

9 months ago | 0

How can I make a vector that looks like this [2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 8...1 100 1]?
@Rowdy cv4=[2,1,2,ones(1,148)]; for i=6:3:151, cv4(i)=2*i/3; end cv4 Try it.

9 months ago | 1

I want to fit the curve with two linear curves and find the point where the fitted curve deviates from the linear relationship, sort of the tangent point.
@T, [edit: corrected typo in formula for ] The figure you included shows two striaight lines (black) fitted to a portion of a ...

9 months ago | 0

how to make linear fit
@ahmad Saad, There are a number of ways you could do it. here is one example: x=0:100; y=2*x+20+10*randn(1,101); p=polyfit(x...

9 months ago | 0

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Repeating elements in a vector
@Furkan Sencer Kaçar, A = [0,1; 1; 5; 10; 20] is not valid because it uses a comma as well as semicolons. I assume you meant...

9 months ago | 1

2nd Order Non-Linear Equation Numerical Solution and Plot
@Conlen O'Brien, tspan=[0 10]; x0=[-25 0]; A=1; B=1; [t,x] = ode45(@(t,x) [x(2);-A+B*x(2).^2], tspan, x0); Do you think the...

9 months ago | 0

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How to obtain the translational and angular accelerations of center of mass in rigid body
@Feng, I have moved my comment to an answer, since that is what I intended. To start, we should know the positions of the senso...

9 months ago | 0

How to do FFT on I,Q data
@Ankit, Let's assume you have read in data from a two-column file. Column 1 is in-phase, column 2 is quadrature. N=256; fs=1...

10 months ago | 1

Getting an equation from a signal transfer function
@Sifiso Mzobe, There are two distinct threads in this discussion. One thread is an answer to your original quesiton: 'I meas...

10 months ago | 0

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