
what's my tax amount this year ?
given an annual salary x and a tax rate i calculate the amount that you have to pay.Example x = 70000; i=.10 y_correc...

5 years ago


Please check the last row
We have data of matrix, that is input. That contains 2 or more rows and the last row should contain the average of each column,...

5 years ago


subtraction of two nos
given a and b, subtract and give the answer

5 years ago


Find all repeated numbers
For a given vector, find all numbers that repeated 2 times or more than 2 times. Example: A=[1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7] y=[3 ...

5 years ago


Capitalized string operations
Convert the input sentence to upper case and replace all vowels with an underscore ('_')

5 years ago


generate capital english alphabets
Based on the numeric input 'n', generate the capital english alphabet starting from A till the english alphabet at the 'n'th pos...

5 years ago


Check for keywords
If the entered string is a MATLAB keyword, return true else false

5 years ago


Basic matlab numeric and string manipulations
If entered input (n) is _numeric_ , compute its *log to the base (n+2)* , if it is a _lower case_ alphabet, *convert it to i...

5 years ago


Minimum Maximum Sort Array
sort one array by put minimum value followed by maximum as follow a=[2 3 1 5] and the solution is y=[1 5 2 3 3 2 5 1];

5 years ago


Basics: counting digits of a number irrespective of the sign
publish the number of digits in any input integer example: -23---->2

5 years ago


Remove white spaces at the end of the input string
Remove all trailing white spaces at the end of the input strings

5 years ago


Check if there are white spaces in the input string
If there are white spaces in the input string, output=1 else 0

5 years ago


Exponents in Factorials
It's time to get excited about numbers!!! Well, we're just dealing with factorials here, but it's still a good reason to get ex...

5 years ago


World Cup 2018 Prediction!
Which team will be the winner?

5 years ago


count upper and lower case characters
In a given input string, count and return the number of upper and lower case characters as u and l respectively. For example:...

5 years ago


Cube root of max value in a vector
Find the cube root of the maximum value in a vector

5 years ago


Alternating 1´s and 0´s in a matrix
Given an odd number n, write a function that creates a matrix y with dimension nxn alternating 1's and 0's, and starting with 1 ...

5 years ago


Optimization of cylinder surface area
Optimization of a cylinder surface area. What are the best parameters (radius and height) to get the minimum cylinder surface a...

5 years ago


Word Distance - Sum
Let's suppose that the distance of a word can be calculated by summing the differences between its letters, having assigned the ...

5 years ago


Wrecked Angles?
It's time for some simple geometry fun to start off the new year. You will be given the perimeter P and the area A of a recta...

5 years ago


Just another sum (JAS)
*Task:* Write a function that takes a vector X and returns the alternating sum of X: X(1)-X(2)+X(3)-X(4)+... *Example...

5 years ago


Find the complement of a number in binary
Input x is a decimal number and output y is the complement of binary representation of x. For example, x = 10 has the binary ...

5 years ago


Check if is a square
Given four coordinates, write a function to check if they form a square on the XY plane.

5 years ago


Get the value 100
Knowing that 123-45-67+89=100, write a function that gives this result for any order of the digits in the input. Otherwise, the ...

5 years ago


Sum of a geometric series
Give the sum of the first 'n' terms of a geometric series, given 'a' as the first term and 'r' as the ratio.

5 years ago


Ratio between sum of primer numbers and non-prime numbers
Write a function that calculates the ratio between the sum of the prime numbers lower or equal than x, and the sum of the non-pr...

5 years ago


Calculate cosine without cos(x)
Solve cos(x). The use of the function cos() and sin() is not allowed.

5 years ago


Avengers Assemble!
Given matrix with so many zeroes, trim those zeroes and output a matrix joining all nnz elements Example: input = [0 0 0 0 0...

5 years ago


Find the Sum of the Series:
Find the sum S = ∑x^n/n! with a given accuracy _eps_. Sum until abs(currentS/S) < eps . _eps_ - accuracy, _cu...

5 years ago


Find the sum of the negative elements under the main diagonal.
Example Input A=[1 2; -3 0] Output -3

5 years ago

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