
Where is the number that you want to find?
For a given matrix A, find where the input number x appears. Do this task by returning the vector which contains the row and th...

5 years ago


Find Euclidean norm of given vector u.
Find Euclidean norm of given vector u. Example x=[1 1] result=sqrt(1^2+1^2...

5 years ago


Make an identity matrix whose diagonal elements are 1:n
For a given input n, make an n by n identity matrix that contains the elements 1:n along its diagonal. For example, if input=5: ...

5 years ago


Solve the following system of equations.
x - 2y + 3z = a 2x + y + z = 4 -3x + 2y - 2z = -10

5 years ago


Find scalar product of two polynomials a and b, given as vector array.
Find scalar product of two polynomials given as vector array. Example a=[1 -1 2]; b=[2 4 1]; result=0

5 years ago


Matrix Manipulation
Given an m*n matrix, see if a matrix contains any 0s in any row. if it contains 0 anywhere in any particular row, delete that ro...

5 years ago


Joules to Megatons of TnT
Given joules, J, make a function that converts to megatons of TNT.

5 years ago


Vector to 3-Column Matrix
Consider a vector *A* such as A = [1 2 3 3 4 5 6] Can you convert this vector to a three-column matrix like this: ...

5 years ago


Solve the 2-norm Regularization Problem
In data fitting, regularization is a technique to stabilize an ill-posed problem. <

5 years ago


Get the combinations
Consider p,q = 2 vectors of same or different length. Get a Output Array which has all the possible combinations of Elements o...

5 years ago


The number of trailing zero digit of a factorial
For given positive integer n, take factorial of that number. How many trailing zeros does it have? Example: factorial(11) = 3...

5 years ago


Check availability of a number in an array
An array is given A=[1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10]. Find whether the number n is present in given array or not. If the number n is prese...

5 years ago


Rotate it!
Given a set of points, your aim is to rotate it by a given angle "theta" CCW (in 2d). The points are given in a matrix(x) of dim...

5 years ago


Divisible by 21
Write a function to determine if a number is divisible by 21.

5 years ago


Probability of red tulips (at both ends of a row)
I planted tulip bulbs in a row on my flower bed. I thought that I had planted white tulips all. However, later, it turned out t...

5 years ago


Combination of Vectors
Return a combination of vectors x1, x2 based on y1, y2 per: x(j) = 0 if y1(j) < y2(j) x(j) = x1(j) if y1(j)...

5 years ago


Generate one sample of uniform random numbers between -pi and +pi
Generate one sample of uniform random numbers between -pi and +pi.

5 years ago


Given a square and a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.
You know the side of a square and the diameter of a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.

5 years ago


Calculate the sum of two polynomials
Calculate the sum of two polynomials if they are written in notation with their coefficients. example: a=[3 4 5]; b=[...

5 years ago


Find the outlier in a set of samples
Given an array x of numbers. Assumed that this array has one outlier. Find the position p and the value v of the outlier in this...

5 years ago


Check if any duplicates in your data
Given an array x, return a number n equal to the largest number of repetitions in your data. For example: If x=[1 2 3 6 8 4 9]...

5 years ago


Calories in a slice of pizza?
The total calories C in a pizza is printed on its box. You know the angle A (degrees) of the slice you placed on your plate. Ple...

5 years ago


Simple String Concatenation
This is a simple problem involving taking two incoming strings, and outputting the concatenated string with a space separating t...

5 years ago


Vector indexing: lower than mean
Find all values in a vector lower than the mean of the vector

5 years ago


Determine whether the input is divisible by 3 as well as 5
If the input is divisible by 3 as well as 5 then the output should be 'true' otherwise 'false'

5 years ago


Find the last digit
FInd the last digit of a given number. Given number is the input and output should be the last digit of that number.

5 years ago


How to calculate the length of a triangle's side given two angles and one side
You are given a triangle with angles alpha, beta and gamma and sides a opposite alpha, b opposite beta and c opposite gamma. ...

5 years ago


NaN (欠損値) が含まれている行を削除しよう
行列 A が与えられたとき、その行列の中に NaN (Not a number; 欠損値) の要素がある行を見つけ出し、その行を削除しましょう。 例: A = [ 1 5 8 -3 NaN 14 ...

5 years ago


Portfolio diversification: choose your stocks !
we have the returns of 3 stocks for the last 4 years and we have to combine only 2 stocks that are less correlated. Example: ...

5 years ago


currency converter
given a rate of exchange calculate the equivalent units of 100 USD

5 years ago

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