Separating features in an image
One easy option is to do clustering based on the image color. You have three parameters (R,G,B), using these as the three dimen...

7 years ago | 0

How to create two graph plots in one, plus scale aside?
The trick is to use position property in subplot. figure, subplot('position',[0.1 0.3 0.8 0.7]),contour(abs(S),'ShowTex...

7 years ago | 2

| accepted

Derive & plot a step response of ss equation
First of all, try to use the {}code button, when you write the code. It will be easier to understand and has more probability th...

7 years ago | 0

Whay this code showing error?
The multiplication and division numbers are wrong. Try this instead: time1 = ((distances)./(60*3e8)); dist2 = ((dist...

7 years ago | 0

How to display nothing on textbox after pressing pushbutton if no image is loaded on axes ? GUI
Two options: One you can disable the classification button, until the image is loaded. Make is disabled by default and then e...

7 years ago | 0

how yo get the curves for different irradiance
One way is to create a.m script which calls the simulink file u have created. With that, you can call the simulation any number ...

7 years ago | 0

voxel size conversion to mm
Hi It is better to ask this question in a Forum for Avizo software. Having said that, I think the 8 digit number is mostl...

7 years ago | 1

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How Many Interations Does It Take Before Successive Iterations Do Not Change More Than 1E-6?
The equation of b, x and y can be outside the loop and same as your definitions. k=1; while true k=k+1; ...

7 years ago | 0

I do have a matrix A(n,n) and a matrix B(m,n) m<n and want to create a third matrix C(n,n) where C(i,j)= k if A(i,j)<=B(k,j) && if A(i,j)>B(k-1,j).
You can create three nested loops for i, j and k. and check for your condition: if ((A(i,j)<=B(k,j) && (A(i,j)>B(k-1,j))...

7 years ago | 0

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Why does "find" command fail to find a number in this vector?
The issue is with representation of floating point numbers. Since the variable 'v' is double, it cannot exactly represent/store ...

7 years ago | 0

How to solve "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch"?
I see that the X is a 3dimentional matrix. And in the code where you split it up into multiple x, you are accessing X as a 2D ma...

7 years ago | 0

Detecting circles and lines in a image
You can use Hough transform to detect lines also. Instead of gabor, use a universal hough transform to detect both lines and c...

7 years ago | 0

how can i find the ratio of area of white color and black color area in binary image or the output images of edge detection filters
When you get a binary image, You just add all the pixels in the image. Then you get the no of pixels with white. Subtract it wit...

7 years ago | 0

fscanf read multiple data
Modify the fscanf command's formatspec, the 2nd variable to include two float variables. Ex: A=fscanf(fileid, '%f %f',[Inf,2...

7 years ago | 0

is it possible to detect the repeated values using modulo operator (mod 16) of a matrix and replace the repeated mod value with the range from 0-15? Please explain.
Hi, You can use the command _unique_. Go through the documentation. Another way is to use _find_. After getting the mod ar...

7 years ago | 0

How to compare similarity between two binary images in matlab, please? I need to find the percentage of similarity. Thanks.
Use the command _corr2_. Type _help corr2_ in matlab command window.

7 years ago | 0

f(x)=(a+2b+3c+4d)-30. Write down the genetic algorithm for minimizing of f(x)?
Hi, What problem you are facing with this code? If you dont want to use genetic algorithm for this, you can try _patternsear...

7 years ago | 0

I am performing a background subtraction algorithm, my results are bit noisy and ghost effect came into picture, how can I remove the ghost effect and noise from the binary image
Hi, The area of ghost image removal is a very vast research topic. For effective ghost image removal, there are many meth...

7 years ago | 0

How can I apply median filter in temporal direction, if I am working on foreground detection using background subtraction ? And also how can I remove ghost effect from my resultant binary image?
Hi, The area of ghost image removal is a very vast research topic. For effective ghost image removal, there are many methods ...

7 years ago | 1

How to plot fitted curve
Hi, When using 'fit' command, extract its outputs. Based on the fit you have asked for, like linear, polynomial etc., the coe...

7 years ago | 0

Neural network with time-history input
Hi, Though for various applications time history is fed as input to the NN, for most of the applications, it is not advised to ...

7 years ago | 0

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How to extract mean frequency from continuous wavelet transform (CWT)
Hi, If your question is to how to get useful information from the complex matrix of 'wt', then use the command 'abs' to get t...

7 years ago | 0

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Comb filtering when sampling frequency is not multiplicative of the interference fundamental frequency
Hi, You have to change the Sampling frequency such that you can get the sampling frequency to be a multiple of noise frequenc...

7 years ago | 0

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Spectrum Analysis using FFT and Hanning Window
Check the Syntax of the miraudio command. As far as I can see, when you use 'Extract' option, you have to provide t1,t2,u,f. ...

7 years ago | 0


Motion Estimation and Steganography
This program does the Motion Estimation analysis and data hiding

10 years ago | 1 download |


Video Reading Frame by frame
Reads the video and saves each frames as a png file

10 years ago | 1 download |


Intra Prediction Re-Construction of Image in a video frame
To perform the Intra prediction reconstruction to get the image of a video frame

10 years ago | 3 downloads |


Intra Prediction Construction of Image in a video frame
To perform the Intra prediction when an image of a video frame is provided

10 years ago | 1 download |


Interprediction Re-Construction of Image in a video frame
To perform the Inter prediction reconstruction to get the image of a video frame

10 years ago | 1 download |


Interprediction Construction of Image in a video frame
To perform the Inter prediction when an image of a video frame is provided

10 years ago | 1 download |

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