
Replace values under a limit
For a vector x and number n, the goal is to find every element of x inferior to n and replace it by n. Example x= [ 1 2 3...

9 years ago


Return fibonacci sequence do not use loop and condition
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number. Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... Examples: ...

9 years ago


Create a v-notch vector without "sort" function
Given a vector vec, create a v-shaped vector as shown below: vec = [ 10 2 3 89 5 7 90 0 12] ...

9 years ago


Negation the hard way
Write a function that has the following property: f(f(x)) = -x for any numeric array x. Note that there is no restriction on ...

9 years ago


Determine value using Look-up table method
Given a set of 2 vectors x and y related in a certain way, you are supposed to find value of y (ydash) given a particular value ...

9 years ago


Alternately upper-lower case
Alternately upper-lower case Let s='achyuta' output='AcHyUtA'

9 years ago


Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log
Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log

9 years ago


Another colon problem
This is simple problem based on problems 555, 801, 1118, etc. Create an index vector from two input vectors. Example: ...

9 years ago


Create a vector
Create a vector from 0 to n by intervals of 2.

9 years ago


Numbers in extended form
Shhhhhhh. Don't tell my daddy, but I'm borrowing his Cody account so all of you very smart people can help me out. I just star...

9 years ago


Converting numbers back from extended form
Thanks for all the help you guys gave me on writing out the numbers in extended form in <

9 years ago


Join Strings with Multiple Different Delimiters
The idea is to form the string S by interleaving the elements of a cell array of strings DELIMITER and another cell array of st...

9 years ago


Return an n-by-n matrix that has a, b, c as the subdiagonal, main diagonal, and superdiagonal entries in the matrix. Example ...

9 years ago


Number of vertices of a hypercube
Return the number of vertices of a n-dimensional hypercube.

9 years ago


Volume of a Simplex
Return the volume of a < regular _n_-simplex> with a unit side length. Results are up to...

9 years ago


Distances in a circle
A circle (360°) is given and a row of 6 monotonic increasing numbers with the which difference from last to first value is les...

9 years ago


cos for boss?
a programmer had too much coffee and his boss needs cos(alpha+beta) correctly, especially when alpha or beta or the coffee are c...

9 years ago


given two strings of numeric expressions such as '1-7/14' and '11/22+0.2^2', return 1 if they are numerically exactly equal othe...

9 years ago


User defined nextpow function
Create a function which will take 2 arguments as n and x, and return y, where, n^y >= abs(x). [ Similar to builtin "nextpow2" fu...

9 years ago


Periodic Table 101.
Given the atomic number (z), answer the symbol for that particular element of the < ...

9 years ago


Reverse Calculator
Use this reverse calculator and give correct output Its simple, In my Reverse calculator if you press 0 it will be considered...

9 years ago


give-nth-decimal-place-of-pi up to 100 digits
max 100th place after the decimal point this is upgrade problem of 142

9 years ago


Projector Matrix
Write a function to determine whether or not the matrix is a projector. Projector matrices are defined as P^2 = P.

9 years ago


Singular Value Decomposition
Calculate the three matrices of the singular value decomposition (A = U*S*V^T) for each provided matrix. U and V are square unit...

9 years ago


design a magic matrix without using the command magic.
Like magic(4) = 16 3 2 13;5 10 11 8;9 6 7 12;4 15 14 1

9 years ago


Edges of a n-dimensional Hypercube
Return the number of edges on an < _n_-dimensional hypercube> (with an integer n &ge; 0). ...

9 years ago


Generate binary combinations for a given number of bit(s)
Generate the binary combination as in the example below. Example: If you are given: bin_comb(2) The answer will be: ...

9 years ago


Scrabble Scores - 2
An < introductory Cody problem> asks the user to score a...

9 years ago


Three grind is shipsstraigt
A function that returns either 'Rock', 'Scissors', or 'Paper' (string). You may succeed or you may fail the (case insensitive) t...

9 years ago


solve for y that is half as much as three less than one tenth of x
function y = half(x) y = (x * .1); end

9 years ago

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