
Test within tolerance
Given a vector of experimental data, D, and a vector of truth data, T, return FALSE if any +/- errors (D-T) are outside a given ...

9 years ago


Calculate value of capacitor
Given the value of resistance and time at which capacitor charges to it's 99%. calculate the value of capacitor

9 years ago


A matrix of introverts
You are given a matrix full of numbers who happen to be very shy. Write a MATLAB function that will put a square of zeros aroun...

9 years ago


rectangle in circle
In the figure below, the rectangle at the corner measures a cm x b cm. What is the radius of the circle in cm? <<http://www....

9 years ago


length of string on cylinder
A cylinder H cm high has a circumference of C cm. A string makes exactly N complete turns round the cylinder while its two ends ...

9 years ago


Slicing the cube
A bored matlab enthusiast has a cube with volume n^3. He decides to paint the entire surface of the cube red. Then, with slices...

9 years ago


Use of regexp
* Given a string, containing several sentences, such as: * 'I played piano. John played football. Anita went home. Are you safe...

9 years ago


Nonuniform quantizer as a piecewise constant function
Implement a nonuniform quantizer as the following piecewise function: y = -3.5, x < 3 y = -1.5, -3 &#8804; x < -1 y = -...

9 years ago


stem and leaf plot
A stem-and-leaf display is a device for presenting quantitative data in a graphical format, similar to a histogram, to assist i...

9 years ago | 2 | 17 solvers


Scrabble Scores
Given a word, determine its score in < Scrabble>. The input string will always be provi...

9 years ago


Tree Height
Assign treeHeight with the tree height given the shadow length and angle of elevation. Simple geometry can compute the heigh...

9 years ago


Calculate Engine Power
Calculate Engine Power (P) in kW given the values of Torque(M) in Nm and Engine Speed(n) in rpm

9 years ago


Create a 1 x 10 vector from 1 to 20 with increments of 2

9 years ago


speech compression
sir how to reconstruct the original signal from compressed signal by using speech file please give me some suggestions

9 years ago


Formatting currency numbers
Given a number, format it properly for textual display using the notation $xxx,xxx,xxx.xx. Assume that no more than two digits ...

9 years ago


chirp again
rise frequency linearly from 0 to frequency f in 1 second and fs samples, initial amplitude must rise smoothly like an aircraft ...

9 years ago


Now 20% off!
Furloughs are hitting government workers this year. To commemorate getting one unpaid day off each week until the end of Septem...

9 years ago


Find the biggest digit in a matrix
Write a function to find the biggest digit in a matrix; input -> a matrix output -> a digit For example; [12; 47;...

9 years ago


Fix y_correct : Hack
The Test Suite has an error. Fix the y_correct value. (See the tags for hints)

9 years ago


What day is it?
Tell me what day is it. Return the full name of the day of the week as a string. e.g. It's June 12th 2014, so your function s...

9 years ago


Rounding off numbers to n decimals
Inspired by a mistake in one of the problems I created, I created this problem where you have to round off a floating point numb...

9 years ago


Clock Hand Angle 1
Given a time in HH:MM:SS, find the smallest angle (in degrees) between the hour and minute hand

9 years ago


text extraction
how can i remove nontext contents from an image??????????

9 years ago


Prime Letters = Removing
Given a string, remove all the letters which in ASCII Code are prime numbers. For Example: s1 = 'Determine which array e...

9 years ago


Baseball Pitch Question
One pitcher made 10 practice pitches during his warm up before the game. Using the given information, create a vector matrix an...

9 years ago


Sum Rows
Sum the same indexed (unique) rows. Examine the test suite. Related Challenge - <

9 years ago


Pi Estimate 1
Estimate Pi as described in the following link: <>

9 years ago


Given a sequence of points forming a closed path (first and last points are coincident) return the perimeter value. For example...

9 years ago


Possible Outcomes of American Roulette
The payout for American roulette can be calculated by: payout = (38/n)-1 where n is the number of squares the bet covers. ...

9 years ago


Calculate Alcohol By Volume with Original and Final Gravity
Given an initial gravity of un-fermented wort (OG) and a final gravity of fermented wort (FG), better known as beer, it is possi...

9 years ago

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