comparison/checking without for loop
nneg = sum(a==-1); npos = sum(a==1);

13 years ago | 1

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Evaluate parameters in matlab
Presumably you have a formula that calculates flow, given all the other parameters. I am guessing that you have wrapped this in...

13 years ago | 0

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Change default figure properties?
I don't know if there's a way to change the defaults, but you'll save a lot of work if you create a function to apply your 'defa...

13 years ago | 2

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Correct way to test if a value is a function?
I'm using the following test to check if a value is a function (standard or anonymous): if isa(value, 'function_handle') ...

13 years ago | 2 answers | 2



how to test if toolbox exists?
Try this: v = ver; has_fsolve = any(strcmp(cellstr(char(v.Name)), 'Optimization Toolbox')); Or more specifically: ...

13 years ago | 0

How to edit mplay GUI?
I don't have that function in my installation, but is it called |mplay|? If so, just enter this in the command window: edi...

13 years ago | 0

finding turning points of a dataset
You can use |diff| or |gradient|. Decide what minimum rate of change is acceptable: tolerance = 1e-4; And then to fin...

13 years ago | 0

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Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch
Enter the command: dbstop if error Now run your script and wait for it to break. Then, in the command window, execute...

13 years ago | 0

how to efficiently find the indices?
This comes straight out of some of my own code... I guess it's the reverse of what you want though. uM = unique(M); I =...

13 years ago | 0

Matlab Database Toolbox
Please don't be frightened of coding an SQL join. Look: SELECT <fields> FROM <table1> JOIN <table2> ON <table1.k...

13 years ago | 1

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Thresholds for a thermal image
My advice is to start with the simplest approach and run with it until you can't go any further. THEN look at the more complex ...

13 years ago | 0

hyperthreading question
I'd like to see the results if you expand your operation to something that takes about 10 minutes. And do it with the utter min...

13 years ago | 1

how to plot curved fitting but the value of x and y must be key in by the user at the command window.
Do you mean that you are experiencing this: > x = input('x? ') x? 249 191 150 139 130 123 249 191 150 139 130 123 ...

13 years ago | 0

rescale histogram
Still not sure I understand your motive completely... But it seems like you have this situation: data = rand(100,1); ...

13 years ago | 0

Licensing: Parallel Computing Toolbox labs vs independent MATLAB sessions
Coming from a different programming background I would intuitively say that with parallelisation you can work concurrently with ...

13 years ago | 0

This Crosstalk Cancellation Function kills my computer!
I wouldn't be surprised if iTunes takes your computer down. Have you tried plotting the waveform in MatLab? Does it look sen...

13 years ago | 0

Making lines between data points smoother.
Perhaps you're looking for something like |spline|. I believe the entire notion of splines was invented by a boat-builder. =) ...

13 years ago | 0

Error Message: ??? Undefined function or method 'SimpleSurround' for input arguments of type 'char'.
1. Your function must be stored in a file called |SimpleSurround.m|. 2. That file must be in a directory that is on the MatLa...

13 years ago | 0


Make a checkerboard matrix
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix made up of alternating ones and zeros as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 1. Example...

13 years ago

why fgetl read spaces?
I guess my heart is still in C... I love regexp, but if all I wanted to do was read integers (not strings), I'd do this after re...

13 years ago | 1

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[DISCONTINUED] Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections.
Lower the reputation required to obtain some kind of 'editor' status. At least to the point where obvious contributors can fix ...

13 years ago | 0

insert Image into MS SQL Database
Your question confuses me a little. Do you modify the image using plots etc in the axis control, or is the whole mention of the...

13 years ago | 0

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Motion Tracking in original video(avi)
Okay, a quick skim over the code and it looks like your tracking algorithm works by thresholding a greyscale difference-image. ...

13 years ago | 0

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Need help/ideas solving a problem
You can have a go at using simple function minimisation: best fit Start with a vector that represents all your shape characte...

13 years ago | 1

How to extract all variable names returned by Simulink.findVars?
Do you mean you have tried: disp(char(allVars(:).Name)); That would pad each name with spaces due to conversion to a cha...

13 years ago | 1

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Opening an GUI real time
You should also have an m-file associated with these figures. I will assume that you created these GUIs using GUIDE. To invo...

13 years ago | 0

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Reverse the colorbar axis
The call to |colorbar| returns a handle. There's lots of options in there to set, and you'll find the one you wanted, too. ...

13 years ago | 8

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Graphing in Cylindrical Coordinates using MATLAB
Advice is to make a start and show us what you have done so far. Here is my primer: r = 0:0.1:1; theta = linspace(0, ...

13 years ago | 0

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Multidimensional Indices of Multiple pages
You could use linear indexing if you convert each row/column into a page start index, then take the page range.... g1 = r...

13 years ago | 1

Matlab display
In the top-right of the window (in the menu bar) you should see a little curved arrow pointing down and right. Click that and i...

13 years ago | 0

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