
Are you in or are you out?
Given vertices specified by the vectors xv and yv, and a single point specified by the numbers X and Y, return "true" if the poi...

10 years ago


Max of a Vector
Write a function to return the max of a vector

10 years ago


Creating and Executing Function.
Lets say we got a data that has X,Y. X is 30 By 4. Y is 30 By 1. A is the set of data. I wrote a code but i coul...

10 years ago


Tune your guitar
Given an input string with the scientific pitch notation for standard tuning ( <

10 years ago


Generate pi using logarithm
Generate pi using logarithm

10 years ago


Are you in XY plane?
Take a point P as an input position Vector (x,y,z). If you are in XY plane, return 1 as an output otherwise return 0. Example...

10 years ago


You are in XY plane ?
Take point having position Vector of (x,y,z). You have to decide whether this point lies in XY plane or not. If it lies then ret...

10 years ago


Integer or Float?
Test an input to see whether it is an integer or a floating point number. If it is an integer return 1 for 'true'. Otherwise ret...

10 years ago


Generate a string like abbcccddddeeeee
This is the string version of Problem 1035. <

10 years ago


Convert from Base 10 to base 5
Convert the input number from base 10 into base 5: for example: if a(in base 10)= 5 then a(in base 5)= 10

10 years ago


Largest Twin Primes
< Twin primes> are primes p1, p2 = p1 + 2 such that both p1 and p2 are prime numbers. Giv...

10 years ago


Kepler's Equation
Solve <'s_equation Kepler's Equation>. Note that the solution is rounded down to 5 decima...

10 years ago


Inverse of Hilbert matrix
Given a non-negative integer x, return the element-wise power of 2 of the inverse of Hilbert matrix.

10 years ago


Make a simplified barcode
Given an integer to encode, make a barcode using the following encoding scheme: * The bar code is made from the binary versio...

10 years ago


does it touch ?
given a sentence, tell how much it touches. input : string output : how much it touches touching : a bilabial phoneme d...

10 years ago


Do Fast Fourier Transformation
Example Fast Fourier Transformation from vector [2,1]) ans = 3 1

10 years ago


Find Index of maximum Value and maximum Value of a vector
Find the Index of the first occurrence of the maximum value in a vector and also the maximum value in the vector. Example: [...

10 years ago


Doubling elements in a vector
Given the vector A, return B in which all numbers in A are doubling. So for: A = [ 1 5 8 ] then B = [ 1 1 5 ...

10 years ago


Inverse of Hilbert matrix
Given a non-negative integer x, return the element-wise power of 2 of the inverse of Hilbert matrix.

10 years ago | 1 | 60 solvers


Sum of digit range
Example: If A is n1, and B is n2 digit positive numbers. A*B's digit range will be [c d] (c = min & d = max). Then return ...

10 years ago


Using the equations of motion for an arbitrary velocity and angle, calculate the x(t) and y(t)
Using the equations of motion for an arbitrary velocity and angle, calculate the x(t) and y(t) and return them as (1 x 10) vecto...

10 years ago


Area of a triangle
A triangle is given with base *'b'* ,vertical hight *'h'* . then find it's area.

10 years ago


Area of a disk
Find the area of a disk or circle. x= radius of the disk.

10 years ago


Find the Nth Root of a Given Number
Find the Nth root of a given number x. Examples x = 4096 n = 4 y = 8 x = 625 n = 5 y = 3.6239

10 years ago


Obscured by Earth
Given two points in < ECI> reference frame, check wheather they are in line-...

10 years ago


Determine connected components of a graph
Adjacency matrix of an undirected graph is given. Return the number of connected components in the graph.

10 years ago


Integer sequence - 2 : Kolakoski sequence
Get the n-th term of < Kolakoski Sequence>.

10 years ago


Fermat's last theorem - again
For a given integer n, express it as a sum of two squares if possible. Return empty matrix otherwise. Solution may not be unique...

10 years ago


Tribute to Ramanujan
The nth taxicab number, denoted as T(n), is defined as the smallest number that can be expressed as a sum of two positive algebr...

10 years ago


Convert a numerical matrix into a cell array of strings
Given a numerical matrix, output a *cell array of string*. For example: if input = 1:3 output is {'1','2','3'} whic...

10 years ago

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