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selstruc(): How to avoid hitting "Return" in command window?
Hi Alexander, I don't think there is a way to avoid that, this is the current APP behavior. The only thing I can think of is ...

17 days ago | 0

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ERA SystemID and Compare() function
Hi Marcus, Compare() by default uses the estimated initial condition to minimize the fitting error. To use zero initial condi...

25 days ago | 0

Assenza comando Estimate in estimate transfer function
Hi Thomas, This is likely a graphical cache issue. Please try command close all force, clear classes, rehash toolboxreset O...

1 month ago | 0

How to choose value of Ts for converting continuous state space (SS) matrix to discrete SS matrix?
Hi Ayesha, As Mathieu mentioned, you can eye-ball the bode plot of the continuous time model and select the sampling time so th...

3 months ago | 0

Impact of the merge() Function in System Identification
Hi MvR, merge() funciton does not process data, it is used to save data into seperate experiments. It only has effects when...

4 months ago | 0

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How to predict a partial state-space model by specifying an initial state-space model.
Hi 健斗, NaN is not accepted since the estimation requires a valid initial value to start. The following code works for me....

4 months ago | 0

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One sys multiple validation
Hi isabel, compare always uses one dataset for validation. It is used ...

4 months ago | 0

Extract Code From System Identification Toolbox
This is supported by System Identification app. Here is a quick example 1, Open app >> system identificaiton iddata1 2, Estima...

5 months ago | 0

Find property of InputNonLineraity with idPiecewiseLinear with 0 Number of Units on idnlhw
Hi Clément, The slope is not a public property. You can access this using the internal command: >> p = getInternalParameters(...

11 months ago | 0

how to make bode plot in simulink system
Hi Kim, Not sure if this is the best way but you can use "Control System Designer" under Simulink app tab. Click "New plot" a...

12 months ago | 0

Error when using inv on system identification object
Hi Lars, I suspect that you do not have correct "inv" function on the path. When you type >> which -all inv in the command l...

1 year ago | 1

I want to automate a 2 input-1 output Hammerstein-Wiener model estimation through genetic algorithms
Hi Ivo, Here are a few suggestions you can try to modify your code I do not have the data, so allow me to use iddata1 for exam...

1 year ago | 0