CANoe & Matlab Compatibility Versions
The CANoe Blockset and CANoe MATLAB Integration Package are Vector products. Please refer to their documentation, or contact Vec...

4 years ago | 0

Unable to generate report using Embedded Web View
In addition to this, be aware that the slreportgen.webview.EmbeddedWebViewDocument class has only been introduced in R2017a. It ...

4 years ago | 0

listener object not destroyed
You can also check the following MATLAB Answers Post by the MathWorks Tech Support Team:

4 years ago | 0

Connection of BLE device with Simulink
Hi Lucas, as far as I am aware, there is currently no Simulink block that can directly read from a BLE device using the host PC...

4 years ago | 0

How to configure NVRAM Service Component to match Argument of NvMServiceCaller
The issue you are seeing is a current limitation of our NVRAM Service Component implementation on the simulation side, so that o...

4 years ago | 1

What is the Main Difference between Simulink Desktop Real Time and Simulink Real Time Kernels?
Please see the following MATLAB Answers Post:

4 years ago | 1

Code Generation Visual Studio 2017 for CANoe-Modell .dll
In general, please contact Vector for questions regarding their cn.tlc target:

4 years ago | 0

Converting Simulink file (.slx) to .dll for integrating with CANoe
In general, please contact Vector for questions regarding their cn.tlc target:

4 years ago | 1

This model will not inherit a sample time because a sample time was explicitly set in block
The solution is in the error message - do not set explicit sample times for blocks in your referenced model. A referenced model ...

4 years ago | 0

mex file giving wrong outputs
If you work with MATLAB Coder or GPU Coder and experience runtime issues (e.g. wrong results or crashes), it is always a good id...

4 years ago | 0

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Xilinx Vivado 2019.1 or 2018.3 support?
MATLAB R2020a supports Xilinx Vivado 2019.1 as synthesis tool for HDL Workflow Advisor. Please see the following MATLAB Answers...

4 years ago | 0

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Does MATLAB R2020a support macOS Catalina (10.15.3)?
Yes, we have been supporting macOS Catalina since R2019b. Here are the official Mac System Requirements for R2020a: https://de....

4 years ago | 1

Is there allready an implementation for Sine Transient Noise Separation of audio signals?
It appears that a "Matching Pursuit" method is shipped with Wavelet Toolbox:

4 years ago | 1

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I can not find Generete HDL option in filterDesigner Toolbox in Matlab 2019b.
Hi Awais, the "Generate HDL" option only shows if you have Filter Design HDL Coder installed and licensed for. To check this, u...

4 years ago | 1

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HDL code for neural network block
Have you tried doing what the error messages suggest - enable Native Floating Point for your model?

4 years ago | 0

How to update programmatically a parameter value in a referenced masked model?
Hi Nicolas, editing the Mask object is not the correct workflow. Just use set_param: set_param('sensor_top/Model','ParamName',...

5 years ago | 2

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Is MATLAB compatible with macOS Catalina?
MATLAB R2019a does not support MacOS Catalina. Please upgrade to R2019b. See the following MATLAB Answers post from our support...

5 years ago | 2

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Matlab and MacOS Catalina
Hi Daniele, MATLAB R2019b officially supports MacOS Catalina. Earlier versions of MATLAB do not officially support macOS Cata...

5 years ago | 1

How can I Blackbox Equivalent Circuit Battery model in Simulink
Please see this post:

5 years ago | 0

Not able to connect zynq7010 to MATLAB
Hi Tariq, there could be many reasons why you are getting this error message. It could be a basic connection issue, or the boar...

5 years ago | 1

Problem with _plus() and symbolic differentiation
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have alerted our developers to this issue, as of course, there should appear no ...

5 years ago | 0

Requirements Traceability with IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation
DOORS linking requires that you have "Simulink Requirements" toolbox installed and licensed for. If you don't see a "slrequirem...

5 years ago | 0

Simulink callbacks not displaying text in MATLAB command window
This output redirection is occurring due to the introduction of Diagnostic Viewer in R2014a. Please see below MATLAB Answers Po...

5 years ago | 0

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Will there be a support of the parallel toolbox in Matlab App Designer?
Using App Designer, you can basically call into any functionality available with your MATLAB/Simulink installation. If you have ...

5 years ago | 3

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OPC UA node browsing fails if server contains graphical items
As pointed out, ContinuationPoints are currently not supported by OPC Toolbox. Our developers are aware of this issue and they a...

5 years ago | 0

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Pausing a Simulink Simulation with an Assertion Block, continue does not work
Hello Benedikt, Osama and MK, after further investigation, we can confirm that since MATLAB Release 2016a, it is not possible ...

5 years ago | 0

error to open library networkdevice.dll
Please make sure that not only the "networkdevice.dll" file is copied to the same directory as the EXE file, but all DLLs contai...

5 years ago | 0

vsim does not find modelsim - how do I install modelsim? is it part of matlab installation? where do I finde the correct installation zip-file?
ModelSim is a third-party HDL simulation environment proprietary to Mentor Graphics. Please contact your company's IT department...

5 years ago | 0

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Is it possible to generate Cuda code with the GPU Coder from a faster RCNN object Detector?
As of MATLAB R2018b, we unfortunately do not support the R-CNN detection with GPU Coder. Currently, we only support the function...

6 years ago | 0

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Simulink S-Function builder "error using fopen"
Hi Jacco, please check out the article below to see what we currently know about this error message: <https://www.mathwork...

6 years ago | 0

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