Sparklines Component

Create small graphs which show the general trend of data.
Updated 8 Sep 2021

Sparklines Component

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Version: 1.0

This component creates small graphs which show the general trend of the data in each row/column. Sparklines are meant to summarize data in a concise and easy-to-understand way, such that in e.g. a table, data trends for each row/column can be quickly observed and compared.

Example sparklinesComponent


  • sparklinesComponent('Data', data) create a ui component which creates sparklines for each row in data. The sparklines are by default stacked in a column.
  • sparklinesComponent(___,Name,Value) specifies additional options for the sparkline component using one or more name-value pair arguments. Specify the options after all other input arguments.
  • sparklinesComponent(parent,___) create the sparkline component in the specified ui parent (e.g. uifigure, uigridlayout, etc.).
  • h = sparklinesComponent(___) returns the sparklineComponent object. Use h to modify properties of the component after creating it.

Name-Value Pair Arguments/Properties

  • Data (n x m numeric matrix) matrix which contains the data used to create the sparklines.
  • DataOrientation (string) string describing whether a sparkline is created for each row ('row') or for each column ('column').
  • SparklinesOrientation (string) string describing whether the sparklines are stacked in a column ('col') or are arranged side-by-side in a row ('row'). 
  • ColorMode (string) string describing whether the sparklines are one solid color ('solid') or use a gradient based on minimum and maximum values in Data ('gradient').
  • LineColor (1 x 3 numeric vector) RGB triple to use for sparklines if ColorMode is 'solid'.
  • LimitColors (2 x 3 numeric matrix) A pair of RGB triples to use as the minimum and maximum colors of the sparklines' color gradient corresponding to the minimum and maximum values in Data if ColorMode is 'gradient'.
  • LineWidth (double) line width of the sparklines.
  • SparklineStyle (string) string describing the line style of the sparklines ('line', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'bar').


Generate a matrix of normal data. Create sparklines for the rows of the matrix, which is how sparklines are created by default.

normalDist = makedist('Normal', 'mu', 0, 'sigma', 1);
Data = random(normalDist, 10, 10);
f = uifigure;
h = sparklinesComponent(f, 'Data', Data);

Cite As

Benjamin Kraus (2024). Sparklines Component (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2021a
Compatible with R2021a
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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