
A simple package for automating adding MATLAB packages/folders to the MATLAB search path on startup.
Updated 5 Nov 2019

Third-party code downloaded from the MathWorks MATLAB File Exchange can be added to MATLAB's search path automatically by using an addpath command in your startup.m file in your userpath. While simple, it can be annoying to do for each subsequent package that you download (or even create yourself). This utility automates the addition of useful packages to the MATLAB search path with a simple function and offers the option to create one-off installation scripts for packages you intend to share with others. If you would like third-party/self-written code to be instantly available from the MATLAB command line, then this might be a helpful tool for you.

Cite As

Alexander Cochran (2024). matlab-pkg-install (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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