
Matlab waitbar compatible with parfor.
Updated 8 Sep 2019

parwaitbar is a Matlab class that displays a progress bar compatible with for/parfor loops.

If parallel.pool.DataQueue is available, parwaitbar uses the queue to update the waitbar asynchronously.

If parallel.pool.DataQueue is unavailable, parwaitbar creates a temporary text file, saved in the current folder, to communicate information between workers. The file is deleted when the last task is completed.

Basic usage:
N = 100;
wb = parwaitbar(N);
parfor i=1:N

See the Github repository for more detailed instructions on how to customize the waitbar.

I don't have a Windows machine at hand to test its compatibility. If you can succesfully test it on a Windows system, I'll be happy to update the platform compatibility.

Cite As

Olivier Trottier (2025). parwaitbar (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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