Version 1.0.2 (17.1 MB) by naushad
MB3D_ICASSP2019: Robust Super-resolution using Multiple Bases and 3D Filtering
Updated 13 Jun 2019

% %% Copyright Naushad Ansari and Weisi Lin, 2019.
% %% Please feel free to use this open-source code for research purposes
% %% only.
% %%
% %% Please cite the following paper while using the results:
% %%
% %% N. Ansari, and W. Lin, "Robust Super-resolution using Multiple Bases % %% and 3D Filtering," in IEEE International Conference on Acoustic Speech
% %% and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.

How to run:
First run the function ‘FileSetup’ that adds all the folders to path
and then run any of the functions discussed in section (c) in this ReadMe

a. Introduction

Thank you for downloading MB3D_ICASSP2019. This code is for robust SR using multiple bases and 3D filtering, as presented in [1]. In case of help, please feel free to contact me at: naushadansari09797@gmail.com

b. Description of folders

1. Supporting functions ==> contains supporting functions to be used in
codes. For example, functions to calculate PSNR, to design sensing matrices,
to perform downsampling etc.

2. Data ==> this folder contains all the images used in the experiments.

c. Description of functions

1. RobustSR_MB3D: Function for robust SR using MB3D
2. RobustSR_MB3D_foRealrealImages: robust SR using MB3D on real scratched images

d. Supporting code to download:
This function uses some of the operators from sparco toolbox. Please download:
1. sparco ==> sparco toolbox [3] is used for the some of the operators
like, ‘opWavelet’, ‘opGaussian’. This toolbox can be downloaded from

e. References:

[1]. N. Ansari, and W. Lin, "Robust Super-resolution using Multiple Bases and 3D Filtering," in IEEE International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.

[2]. E. v. Berg, M. P. Friedlander, G. Hennenfent, F. Herrmann, R. Saab, and
O. Yılmaz, “Sparco: A testing framework for sparse reconstruction,”
Dept. Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Tech. Rep. TR-2007-20, October 2007.

Cite As

Naushad Ansari and Weisi Lin, ""Robust Super-Resolution using Multiple bases and 3D Filtering," IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), UK, 2019.

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