MATLAB Snippets

Version 1.0.6 (8.92 MB) by Pavel Trnka
Code snippets for the Matlab editor.
Updated 31 May 2023

MATLAB Snippets App adds code snippets to the Matlab editor. Snippets definition uses syntax compatible with the Visual Studio Code and with the Textmate 1.x. The integration to the Matlab editor is loose, the snippets are inserted by a keyboard shortcut (usually <ALT+1>).

See the Github project page for the animated App use examples:

* snippets can contain tabstops with default values (placeholders)
* any tabstop value can be mirrored on multiple locations in the snippet
* variables containing currently selected text, currently edited filename, etc. can be used
* tabstop mirroring and variables can be altered by regular expressions

Cite As

Pavel Trnka (2024). MATLAB Snippets (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019a
Compatible with R2016a and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Version Published Release Notes

Bug fix.


Hide window handle to avoid conflicts with gcf, gca, etc.


Bug fix.


Fix for high DPI screens with text scaling.


Fix: App did not start after Matlab restart.


Description update


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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.