Edge Detection by Homogeneity Operator

Version (931 Bytes) by Selva
Image edge detection by applying a 3*3 homogeneity-operator mask on every pixel in an image
Updated 4 Sep 2017

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This produces high homogeneity value for edge pixels and low values for non-edge pixel. Finally, a user defined threshold (here by otsu's method) is applied to mark the edges in the image. It uses 8 neighbour pixels on 3*3 mask operator
Refer: A new homogeneity-based approach to edge detection using PSO
by Mahdi Setayesh, Mengjie Zhang and Mark Johnston

Cite As

Selva (2024). Edge Detection by Homogeneity Operator (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/64326-edge-detection-by-homogeneity-operator), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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