
Compute Communicability matrix
Updated 16 May 2017

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Qexp = getCommunicability(W,g,nQexp)

Compute the communicability matrix Qexp from
the structural network defined by matrix W.


W : n-by-n matrix (cab be weighted, unweighted, directed or undirected)
g : global coupling factor (default is 1)
nQexp : set to 1 if want to normalize the communicability matrix Qexp between
0 and 1, 0 otherwise (default is 0).[*]


Qexp : Communicability matrix (n-by-n)

[*] If I want to compare the communicability between network of same size,
than I would want o normalize the communicability (nQexp=1). Otherwise,
if networks have different size, I do not want to normalize the communicability (nQexp=0).


- E Estrada, N Hatano, Communicability in complex networks
Physical Review E, 2008 - APS

- E Estrada, N Hatano, M Benzi, The physics of communicability in complex networks
Physics reports, 2012 - Elsevier

Cite As

Ruggero G. Bettinardi (2024). getCommunicability(W,g,nQexp) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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