Artificial horizon

Version 1.3.1 (15.3 KB) by Eric Ogier
Artificial horizon for aircraft (yaw, pich, roll, AoA and drift)
Updated 5 Jan 2024

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This artificial horizon consists of a graphical object representing the attitude and heading of an aircraft, with the following elements:
- Virtual horizon line between sky and ground symbols
- Reticle symbolising aircraft longitudinal axis
- Flight path marker
- Attitude indicators :
. Pitch indicator, range : ]-180°,+180°], field of view : 40°
. Roll indicator, range : ]-180°,+180°], field of view : 60°
. Heading indicator, range : [-90°,+90°], field of view : 60°
All attitude gauges have the following characteristics:
- Reference markings : cardinal points, null pitch and null roll
- Resolution of 2.5° for graduating
- Specific graduatings for modulo 2.5°, 5° and 10° angles
Attitude can be updated by an object method through the three Euler angles [rad], respecting this aeronautical convention: from an initial attitude (North, horizontal flight), heading, pitch and roll angles respectively increase when:
- Aircraft turns to the East
- Aircraft climbs
- Right wing goes down
Video demonstrations:

Cite As

Eric Ogier (2025). Artificial horizon (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2018a
Compatible with R2016b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Introduction of angle units (degree or radian) and compliance with UI axes.

Minor modification in update function (update of heading lines)

Minor modification to avoid errors if the parent figure is closed by user.

Update with flight path marker and new reticles

Minor modification for taking into account the dimensions of an existing axis in 'create' function.

Modification of heading gauge to indicate horizon line direction.
Modification of video demonstrations links.

Adding of video demonstrations link.