
This is a modification of the "edfread" submission, modified to be faster with less options.
Updated 2 Jul 2014

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This is a modification of the File Exchange submission "edfread" for importing an EDF file into MATLAB. I removed a few options which enable import of large files to occur much, much faster in the case of 1-sample records or records containing all of the samples at once.
[hdr, dataMat] = edfread2(fname)

Reads data from ALL RECORDS of file fname ('*.edf'). Header information is returned in structure hdr, and the signals (waveforms) are returned in dataMat, which is either a (samples x channels) matrix, or a (1 x channels) cell array full of (samples x 1) arrays IF there are different numbers of samples in each channel.

Cite As

Matt Fifer (2025). edfread2 (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47123-edfread2), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Changed formatting of Description.