RDSAC and MKSAC: read and write SAC seismic data file

Imports/plots and exports seismic data file in the IRIS/SAC format.
Updated 15 Jul 2022

Matlab codes to read and write SAC seismic data file

Cite As

François Beauducel (2025). RDSAC and MKSAC: read and write SAC seismic data file (https://github.com/IPGP/sac-lib), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2011b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Version Published Release Notes

- mksac: major fix (date problem)
- rdsac: adds description string for enumerated header fields

- new MKSAC function to export SAC file from data.

- output alternative returning data, origin time and header.
- undefined header fields are not returned.

- works with big-endian coded files (automatic byte ordering detection)

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