PicoScope 5000 Series A API MATLAB Generic Instrument Driver

MATLAB Instrument Driver for use with PicoScope 5000 Series oscilloscopes
Updated 23 Feb 2023

MATLAB Instrument Driver for use with PicoScope 5000 Series Flexible Resolution oscilloscopes .

Supported models:

The driver will work with the following PicoScope models:

* PicoScope 5242A/B/D/D MSO & 5442A/B/D/D MSO
* PicoScope 5243A/B/D/D MSO & 5443A/B/D/D MSO
* PicoScope 5244A/B/D/D MSO & 5444A/B/D/D MSO

Please note that the driver will not work with the PicoScope 5203 and 5204 devices - examples for these devices are available from:


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Cite As

Pico Technology (2024). PicoScope 5000 Series A API MATLAB Generic Instrument Driver (https://github.com/picotech/picosdk-ps5000a-matlab-instrument-driver), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2018a
Compatible with R2015b to R2018b
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Versions that use the GitHub default branch cannot be downloaded

Version Published Release Notes

Fix channel scaling and improve connection code

Correct typo in description

Update support for Instrument Driver on Linux

Update MATLAB Release Compatibility

Update Description and Other Requirements


Add support for PicoScope 5000D Series

Updated other requirements.
Updated description.
Moved files to GitHub repository.
Updated Title and Other Requirements
Correction to format of text in description.
Corrected title.
Updated description.

Improved functionality for rapid block capture and fixed bandwidth filter setting function.

Full release of Instrument Driver package incorporating bug fixes in Instrument Driver.

Fixed errors relating to setting resolution, bandwidth filter and obtaining a rapid block with a single waveform.

Added streaming mode and block capture fft examples and prototype files for MATLAB 64-bit.
Some bug fixes.

Updated description as Streaming mode not fully supported.

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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.